1. Name Surname

: Özge Kaya​​​​

2. Date of Birth


3. Title

: Öğr. Gör.

Contact Information

: ozge.kaya@uskudar.edu.tr

4. Educational Background

Degree Department University Year

5. Academic Titles

Degree Department University Year

6. Supervised Theses

7. Publications

7.1. Papers published in internationally refereed journals (Scopus Indexed)

7.3. Assertions presented in international scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

  1. KAYA Ö., Dijital Çağda Eğitim: Tarih ve Teknoloji Bağlamında Sanal Bir Mekân Çalışması, XI International Eurasian Educational Research Congress, (21.06.2024), Kocaeli- Türkiye
  2. KAYA Ö., Geleceğin Medyası, 4. Uluslararası Medya ve Toplum Sempozyumu, (08.05.2024), İstanbul- Türkiye

7.4. International books or chapters

7.5. Papers published in national peer-reviewed journals

7.6. Assertions presented in national scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

  1. Sürmeli K., Education in the Digital Age: A Virtual Space Study in the Context of History and Technology, XI INTERNATIONAL EURASIAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CONGRESS, (21.05.2024), Kocaeli

7.7. Other publications

Books published by national publishers

Book chapters published by national publishers

8. Projects

9. Administrative Duties

  1. Koordinatör / Coordinator - Erasmus Bölüm Koordinatörlüğü (2024-Continues)
  2. Komisyon Üyesi / Member of Commission - Uluslararası Öğrenciler Akademik Komisyonu (2024-Continues)

10. Scientific Memberships

11. Awards

12. Coourses recently given

Academic Year Semester Course name Hours Number of Students
Theoretical Application
2023-2024 Spring Hareketli Grafik Tasarım (Undergraduate) - Group 4 2 2 152
Animasyonda Temel Hareketler (Undergraduate) - Group 4 3 0 144

Created: 26.12.2024