1. Name Surname


2. Date of Birth

: 14.03.1990

3. Title

: Arş. Gör.

Contact Information

: nurdan.sandikci@uskudar.edu.tr

4. Educational Background

Degree Department University Year
BSc Biyoloji Gazi Üniversitesi 2014
MSc Adli Bilimler İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa 2019
PhD Adli Bilimler Üsküdar Üniversitesi

5. Academic Titles

Degree Department University Year

6. Supervised Theses

7. Publications

7.1. Papers published in internationally refereed journals (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Sapan T. Ü., Güngör A., Sandıkçı N., Kocabaş A., Atasoy S., DNA recovery and human identification from semen stains washed at different temperatures, International Journal of Legal Medicine, (2023), 137(2), 303-310, .

7.3. Assertions presented in international scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

  1. Sandıkçı N., Kocabaş A., Kendüz U., Sapan T. Ü., Atasoy S., FTIR Spectroscopy Applications in Forensic Sciences, 14th Annual Meeting of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, (05.10.2023), İstanbul - Türkiye
  2. Sandıkçı N., Kocabaş A., Kendüz U., Sapan T. Ü., Atasoy S., FTIR SPECTROSCOPY APPLICATIONS in FORENSIC SCIENCES, 14th Annual Scientific Meeting Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, (05.10.2023), İstanbul-TÜRKİYE
  3. Sandıkçı N., Atasoy S., COGNITIVE BIASES and ETHICS in FORENSIC SCIENCE, 14th Annual Scientific Meeting Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, (05.10.2023), İstanbul-Türkiye
  4. Sandıkçı N., Aratasoy P. D. S., What Is Substance Use Disorder? Comparison of ICD-11 and DSM-5 Criteria, Virtual 12th Annual Forensic Science Symposium, (05.06.2023), Orlando, Amerika
  5. Sandıkçı N., Atasoy S., ANALYSIS METHODS of EPHEDRA and RELATED COMPOUNDS in WEB OF SCIENCE (WOS) BETWEEN 1980-2022: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW and META-ANALYSIS, AAFS 2023 The 75th Anniversary Conference, (13.02.2023), Orlando, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
  6. Kenan M. N. S., Atasoy P. D. S., Sandıkçı B., SYSTEMATIC REVIEW and META-ANALYSIS OF EPHEDRA and RELATED COMPOUNDS in WEB OF SCIENCE (WOS) BETWEEN 1980-2022, Florida International University (FIU) 11th Annual Forensic Science Symposium, (06.06.2022), Florida-Amerika
  7. Kenan M. N., SARIBEY A. P. D. A. Y., Analysis Methods of Abuse Substances by Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR), ISARC 1. INTERNATIONAL ADDICTION CONGRESS, (24.07.2021), Online
  8. Kenan M. N., Akın B. K., Kocabaş M. A., Discrimination of Pen Inks: A Comparative Study by Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Video Spectral Comparator (VSC), FIU The Virtual 10th Annual Forensic Science Symposium, (07.06.2021), Online
  9. Kenan M. N., Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Selda MERCAN, Determination of zolpidem with GC/MS and its importance in forensic sciences, IACFT Turkish Speakers' Day, (02.03.2021), Online
  10. Saribey A. P. D. A. Y., M.Sc. Nurdan Kenan, FORENSIC ANALYSIS BY RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, AAFS 73rd Annual Scientific Metting, (15.02.2021), Online
  11. Meherremli B. Ş., Ünsal P. T., Kenan M. N., Yılancıoğlu P. K., Atasoy P. S., Identification of Various Body Fluids Obtained From the Scene with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR) and Their Time-Dependent Changes, AAFS 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, (15.02.2021), Online
  12. Meydancı M. H. M., Çetin M. A., Ünsal P. T., Kenan M. N., Yılancıoğlu P. K., Atasoy P. S., Examination of Self-Efficacy of High School Students in the Prevention of Drug Addiction, AAFS 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, (15.02.2021), Online

7.4. International books or chapters

7.5. Papers published in national peer-reviewed journals

7.6. Assertions presented in national scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

7.7. Other publications

Books published by national publishers

Book chapters published by national publishers

8. Projects

9. Administrative Duties

  1. Laboratuvar - Laboratuvar Sorumlusu (2020-Continues)
  2. Komisyon Üyesi / Member of Commission - Kalite Komisyonu (Enstitü / Fakülte / MYO) (2023-Continues)
  3. Komisyon Üyesi / Member of Commission - Ders Programı Hazırlama Komisyonu (2022-Continues)
  4. Komisyon Üyesi / Member of Commission - Sınav Programı Hazırlama Komisyonu (2022-Continues)
  5. Çalışma Grubu Üyelikleri / Research Group Membership - Adli Bilimler Grubu (2022-Continues)
  6. Raportör - Koordinatörlük / Komisyon Raportörlüğü (2022-Continues)

10. Scientific Memberships

  1. AAFS (American Academy of Forensic Sciences) Üyeliği(2024)
  2. Adli Bilimler Derneği(2022)
  3. European Assosication for Biometrics (EAB)(2021)
  4. International Alliance of Clinical and Forensic Toxicologists (IACFT) üyeliği(2021)

11. Awards

12. Coourses recently given

Academic Year Semester Course name Hours Number of Students
Theoretical Application
2023-2024 Spring Ceza ve Hukuk Davalarında Bilimsel Deliller (Doctorate) - 2 Group 3 0 28
Yalan Tespiti ve Beden Dili (Doctorate) - 2 Group 3 0 10
Adli Bilimlere Giriş-Kriminalistik (Doctorate) - 2 Group 3 0 2
Temel Adli Bilimler II (Master) - Group 2 3 0 24
Ceza ve Hukuk Davalarında Bilimsel Deliller (Master) - Group 2 3 0 126
Yalan Tespiti ve Beden Dili (Master) - Group 2 3 0 46
Adli Genetik (Undergraduate) - Group 2 3 0 162
Küresel Uyuşturucu Kaçakçılığı (Undergraduate) - Group 2 3 0 54

Created: 04.03.2025