1. Name Surname


2. Date of Birth

: 10.10.1956

3. Title

: Prof. Dr.

Contact Information

: nimet.gencoglu@uskudar.edu.tr

4. Educational Background

Degree Department University Year
BSc Diş Hekimliği İstanbul Üniversitesi 1981
MSc Diş Hekimliği İstanbul Ü 1981
PhD Diş Hastalıkları ve Tedavisi Marmara Üniversitesi 1992

5. Academic Titles

Degree Department University Year
Professor Endodonti Marmara Ü. 2001
Associate Professor Endododonti Marmara 1995
Assistant Professor Endodonti Marmara Ü. 1992

6. Supervised Theses

7. Publications

7.1. Papers published in internationally refereed journals (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Aydın R. N., Gençoğlu N., Histological Investigation of the Cleaning Effectiveness of Different Biomechanic Processes of Isthmus in Lower Molars, European Journal of Dentistry, (2023), 17(2), 517-523, .
  2. Novruzova G., The Effect of Reciprocating Instrument and Obturation Techniques on Postoperative Pain in Retreatment: A Prospective Clinical Study, European Endodontic Journal, (2023), 8(2), 140-147, .
  3. Karatekin A. Ö., Keleş A., Gençoğlu N., Comparison of continuous wave and cold lateral condensation filling techniques in 3D printed simulated C-shape canals instrumented with RecBlue or Hyflex EDM, PLOS ONE, (2019), (), , .
  4. Karatekin A. Ö., Keleş A., Gençoğlu N., Comparison of continuous wave and cold lateral condensation filling techniques in 3D printed simulated C-shape canals instrumented with Reciproc Blue or Hyflex EDM, PLOS ONE, (2019), 14(11), 1-22, .
  5. Helvacıoğlu D., Gençoğlu N., Evaluation of resin/silicone based root canal sealers. Part I: Physical properties, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7(1), 107-115, .
  6. Gencoglu N., Sener G., Omurtag G. Z., Tozan A., Uslu B., Arbak S., Helvacioglu D., Comparision of biocompatibility and cytotoxicity of two new root canal sealers, Acta Histochemica, (2010), 112(6), 567-575, .
  7. N.Gençoğlu , Helvacıoğlu D., Comparison of the Different Techniques to Remove Fractured Endodontic Instruments from Root Canal Systems, European Journal Dentistry, (2009), 3(2), 90-95, .
  8. Gençoğlu N., Yıldırım T., garip Y., Karagenç B., Yılmaz H., Effectiveness of different gutta-percha techniques when filling experimental internal resorptive cavities, International Endodontic J, (2008), 4(10), 836-842, .
  9. Karagenç B., Gençoǧlu N., Ersoy M., Cansever G., Külekçi G., A comparison of four different microleakage tests for assessment of leakage of root canal fillings, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, (2006), 102(1), 110-113, .
  10. Gençoǧlu N., Treatment of root‐fractured maxillary incisor with Thermafil obturator, Dental Traumatology, (2003), 93(3), 333-336, .
  11. Gençoğlu N., Türkmen C., Ahıskalı R., A new silicon-based root canal sealer (Roekoseal-Automix)., J Oral Rehabilitation, (2003), 30(7), 753-7, .
  12. Gençoğlu N., Comparison of 6 different gutta-percha techniques (part II): Thermafil, JS Quick-Fill, Soft Core, Microseal, System B, and lateral condensation, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, (2003), 96(1), 91-95, .
  13. N. Gençoǧlu, Y. Garip, M. Baş, S. Samani, Comparison of different gutta-percha root filling techniques: Thermafil, Quick-fill, System B, and lateral condensation, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, (2002), 93(3), 333-336, .
  14. Gençoğlu N., Samani S., Günday M., Evaluation of sealing properties of thermafil and ultrafil techniques in the absence or presence of smear layer, Journal of Endodontics, (1993), 19(12), 599-603, .

7.2. Papers published in other internationally peer-reviewed journals

  1. Gençoğlu N., Karatekin A. Ö., Gündoğar M., Postoperative Pain Following Single-visit Root Canal Treatment with Reciproc Blue and HyFlex EDM Instrumentation; A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial, Meandros Medical and Dental Journal, (2024), (), , .
  2. Gençoğlu N., Karatekin A. Ö., Gündoğar M., Postoperative Pain Following Single Visit Root Canal Treatment with Reciproc Blue and HyFlex EDM Instrumentation; A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial, Meandros Med Dent J, (2023), (), , .
  3. Yıldırım T., Gençoğlu N., Use of mineral trioxide aggregate in the treatment of large periapical lesions: reports of three cases, European Journal of Dentistry, (2010), 4(4), 468-74., .
  4. GENCOGLU N., KÜLEKÇI G., Antibacterial Efficacy of Root Canal Medicaments., The Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry, (1992), 34((4)), 233-6., .

7.3. Assertions presented in international scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

  1. Karatekin A. Ö., Gençoğlu N., Augmented reality assisted endodontics: an experimental setup study, FDI Dünya Diş Hekimliği Kongresi, (12.09.2024), İstanbul-Türkiye
  2. Karatekin A. Ö., Gençoğlu N., Augmented reality assisted endodontics: an experimental setup study, FDI Dünya Diş Hekimliği Kongresi, (12.09.2024), İstanbul-Türkiye
  3. Mert B., Gençoğlu N., Evaluation of the pyhsical properties of differentbioceramic based root canal sealers, 27 th congress of the Balkan stomological society BASS 2023, (09.11.2023), Türkiye İstanbul

7.4. International books or chapters

7.5. Papers published in national peer-reviewed journals

  1. Mert B., Gençoğlu N., Evaluation of the Physical Properties of Different Bioceramic-Based Root Canal Sealers, bezmialem science, (2024), (), , .
  2. Gökyar M., Gençoğlu N., Retrospective Investigation of The Relationship Between Coronal Restoration and Quality of Root Canal Fillings and Apical Periodontitis in a Specific Turkish Population, Bezmialem science, (2024), (), , .

7.6. Assertions presented in national scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

  1. Gökyar M., Gençoğlu N., Retrospective investigation of the relationship between coronal restoration and quality of root canal fillingsand apical periodontitis in a spesific Turkish population, 27th Congress of the Balkan Stomotological Society (BASS), (09.11.2023), Türkiye -İstanbul

7.7. Other publications

Books published by national publishers

  1. Gençoğlu N., Diş Hekimliğinde Post operatif ağrı, (2023), ISBN: 978-625-401-955-5.

Book chapters published by national publishers

  1. Gençoğlu N., Dental Ağrı, (2023), ISBN: 978-625-401-955-5.
  2. Gençoğlu N., Endodontide Post operatif ağrı, (2023), ISBN: 978-625-401-955-5.

8. Projects

  1. GENÇOĞLU N., Mert B., BAP projesi, Biyoseramik esaslı kanal patlarının fiziksel özelliklerinin incelenmesi, Yürütücü, (Tamamlanma Tarihi :15.11.2023),

9. Administrative Duties

  1. Ana Bilim Başkanı / Head of Department - Endodonti Anabilim Dalı (2023-Continues)
  2. Komisyon Üyesi / Member of Commission - Eğitim Komisyonu (Enstitü / Fakülte / MYO) (2023-Continues)

10. Scientific Memberships

11. Awards

12. Coourses recently given

Academic Year Semester Course name Hours Number of Students
Theoretical Application
2023-2024 Spring Endodonti II (Undergraduate) - Group 4 2 4 94
Klinik Gözlem (Undergraduate) - Group 2 0 2 106

Created: 18.03.2025