1. Name Surname

: K. Nevzat TARHAN

2. Date of Birth

: 07.07.1952

3. Title

: Prof. Dr.

Contact Information

: nevzat.tarhan@uskudar.edu.tr

4. Educational Background

Degree Department University Year
BSc Medicine Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine 1975
PhD Psychiatry Gulhane Military Medicine Academy 1982

5. Academic Titles

Degree Department University Year
Professor Psychiatry VAN Yüzüncü Yıl University 1996
Associate Professor Psychiatry Gülhane Military Medicine Academy 1990
Assistant Professor Psychiatry GATA Haydarpaşa 1988

6. Supervised Theses

6.1. Master's Theses

  1. Çiftlerde uyum ve kaygı arasındaki ilişkinin duygu ve ilişki ifadeleri ile ilgili değişkenlerce yordanması, FAHRÜNNİSA ERDEM, 2019.
  2. Ruh sağlığı çalışanlarının psikiyatrik hastalıklarda sanal gerçeklik yönteminin kullanımı hakkında tutum çalışması / Mental health workers' attitude study of the use of virtual reality method in psychiatric diseases, Ertuğ Gül, 2018.
  3. Vajinismus tanısı alan ve almayan kadınlarda öz-duyarlık ve benlik saygısının incelenmesi / Examination of self-sensitivity and self-esteem in women diagnosed with and not taking vaginismus, Gülten Dümen, 2018.
  4. Değerler sisteminin (dini başa çıkma, affedicilik ve emmons şükür ölçekleri açısından) anksiyete duyarlılığı üzerindeki yordayıcı etkisi: Metakognisyonların aracı rolü / The predictive effect of the values system (in terms of religious coping, forgivenes, ALİ ENGİN UYGUR, 2016.
  5. Travmatik yaşantıları olan kadınlarda sosyal destek türleri ile depresyon düzeyi ve antidepresan kullanımı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi / Investigation of the relationship between social support types, depression level and antidepressant use in women, EBRU ÖZKURT TOPCU, 2015.
  6. Rumi meditasyonun beyin üzerindeki etkilerinin nörogörüntüleme ile değerlendirilmesi / Evaluating the effects of Rumi meditation on the brain by neuroimaging, RUKİYE KARAKÖSE, 2014.

6.2. Doctorate Theses

  1. Politik düşüncenin ölçümlenmesi: Karar verme stilleri ve oy verme yaklaşımları bağlamında seçmen davranışının değerlendirilmesi, AYÇA FERDA KANSU, 2021.
  2. A Research About The Neuropsychometric Biochemical and Neuroendocrinologic Symptoms of Aggression Behaviour; A Controlled Study, Şekip Çilden, 1995.
  3. Depression Prevalence of Retired Soldiers and Its Relationship with Sociodemographic Factors (A Study on Retired Soldiers Living in Istanbul), A.Mustafa Üçüncü, 1995.
  4. In a Sample of 2300 People, With Its Demographic and Psychosocial Aspects, An Epidemiological Study Regarding Alcohol and Psychoactive Substance Usage, Ugur Karaca, 1992.
  5. A Controlled Study On Those Having Antisocial Personality Disorder from Neuropsychometric, Demographic And Psychosocial Aspects, Dr.Hüseyin Sönmez Güven, 1990.
  6. Hormonal Reactions to Unilateral Dominant, Unilateral Nondominant and Bilateral Electroconvulsive Treatment of Atypical, Acute Psychosises, Dr.İlhami ilker Özil, 1990.
  7. A Controlled Study on Those Having Conversion Disorder From Psychometric, Demographic and Psychosocial Aspects, Dr.Burhanettin Kayacan, 1990.
  8. The Efficacy of Maprotiline and Fluoksetin in the treatment of Major Depression, Dr Alen Nogay, 1990.

7. Publications

7.1. Papers published in internationally refereed journals (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Metin S. Z., Uyulan Ç., Farhad S., Ergüzel T. T., Türk Ö., Metin B., Çerezci Ö., Tarhan N., Deep Learning-Based Artificial Intelligence Can Differentiate Treatment-Resistant and Responsive Depression Cases with High Accuracy, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2024), (), , .
  2. Atak E. S., Yıldız D., Kocatürk R. R., Temizyürek A., Özcan Ö. Ö., Ergüzel T. T., Karahan M., Tarhan N., ‎Therapeutic Targets of Probiotics in Parkinson Disease: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials, basic and clinical neuroscience, (2024), (), 1-20, .
  3. TARHAN N., ÜNAL A. T., Uskudar Emotional Wisdom Scale (USEWS) validity and reliability studies and examining psychometric properties, Environment and Social Psychology, (2024), 9(7), 1-19, .
  4. TARHAN N., DEMİRSOY Ç., ÜNAL A. T., The development and psychometric analysis of Uskudar family perception and attitudes scale, Environment and Social Psychology, (2024), 9(6), 1-19, .
  5. MK A., R İ., Ö O., MT E., Ş T., Ş G., H B., O P., B M., KN T., P300 Parameters in Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, (2024), (), , .
  6. Uyulan Ç., Artuklu Ö., Çiftçi E., Farhad S., Ergüzel T., Metin B., Tarhan N., The deep learning method differentiates patients with bipolar disorder from controls with high accuracy using EEG data, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2024), (), 1-9, .
  7. Farhad S., Uyulan Ç., Metin S., Metin B., Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Application of Hybrid Deep Learning Architectures for Identification of Individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder based on EEG data, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2024), (), , .
  8. Bozkurt I., Gözler T., Yüksel I., Ulucan K., Tarhan K., Prognostic Value of CYP1A2 (rs2069514 and rs762551) Polymorphisms in COVID-19 Patients, Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics, (2023), (), 2199-5761, .
  9. TARHAN N., DEMİRSOY Ç., ÜNAL A. T., Measuring the Awareness Levels of Individuals with Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders: Tertiary Prevention Standards and Development of Uskudar Result Awareness and Harm Perception Scales, Brain Sciences, (2023), 13(6), 901, .
  10. Metin B., Farhad S., Erguzel T., Çiftçi E., Tarhan N., Combined use of gray matter volume and neuropsychological test performance for classification of individuals with bipolar I disorder via artificial neural network method, Journal of Neural Transmission, (2023), (), online, .
  11. Sağıroğlu A., Karagöz İ., Özcan Ö. Ö., Ergüzel T., Karahan M., Tarhan N., Evaluation Of The Glioblastoma Multiforme Treatment With Hyperthermia Using The Finite Element Method, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, (2023), (), 1-23, .
  12. Depciuch J., Paja W., Pancerz K., Uzun Ö., Bulut H., Tarhan N., Guleken Z., Analysis of follicular fluid and serum markers of oxidative stress in women with unexplained infertility by Raman and machine learning methods, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, (2023), (), 10974, .
  13. Uyulan C., Erguzel T. T., Turk O., Farhad S., Metin B., Tarhan N., A Class Activation Map-Based Interpretable Transfer Learning Model for Automated Detection of ADHD from fMRI Data, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2023), (), 151-159, .
  14. Gulden G., Sert B., Teymur T., Ay Y., Tiryaki N. N., Mishra A. K., Ovali E., Tarhan N., Tastan C., CAR-T Cells with Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) Provide Anti-Cancer Capacity with Better Proliferation, Rejuvenated Effector Memory, and Reduced Exhausted T Cell Frequencies., Vaccines, (2023), 11(2), 313, .
  15. Depciuch J., Jakubczyk P., Paja W., Pancerz K., Wosiak A., Kula-Maximenko M., Yaylım İ., Gültekin G. İ., Tarhan N., Hakan M. T., Sönmez D., Sarıbal D., Arıkan S., Guleken Z., Correlation between human colon cancer specific antigens and Raman spectra. Attempting to use Raman spectroscopy in the determination of tumor markers for colon cancer, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, (2023), 48(), 102657, .
  16. Emre İ. E., Erol Ç., Taş C., Tarhan N., Multi-class classification model for psychiatric disorder discrimination, International Journal of Medical Informatics, (2022), 170(), 104926, .
  17. Karagöz İ., Kocatürk R. R., Özcan Ö. Ö., Ergüzel T. T., Karahan M., Tarhan N., CYP1A2 and ADORA2A Genotypes Association with Acute Caffeine Intake on Physiological Effects and Performance: A Systematic Review, Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, (2022), (), 1-37, .
  18. Kesebir S., Yosmaoglu A., Tarhan N., A dimensional approach to affective disorder: The relations between Scl-90 subdimensions and QEEG parameters, Frontiers in Psychiatry, (2022), (), 1-10, .
  19. Kocatürk R. R., Temizyürek A., Özcan Ö. Ö., Ergüzel T. T., Karahan M., Konuk M., Tarhan N., Effect of nutritional supports on malnutrition, cognition, function and biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review, International Journal of Neuroscience, (2022), (), 1-20, .
  20. Adamson M., Hadipour L., Erguzel T., Uyulan C., Kazemi R., Philips A., Seenivasan S., Shah S., Tarhan N., Deep Learning Approaches to evaluate Sex Differences in Response to Neuromodulation in Major Depressive Disorder, Neuromodulation, (2022), (), 23, .
  21. Adamson M., Seenivasan S., Hadipour A., Kazemi R., Uyulan Ç., Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Çerezci Ö., Sex Differences in rTMS Treatment Response: A Deep Learning-Based EEG Investigation, Brain and Behavior, (2022), (), 1-8, .
  22. Jakubczyk P., Paja W., Pancerz K., Cebulski J., Depciuch J., Uzun Ö., NevzatTarhan , Guleken Z., Determination of idiopathic female infertility from infrared spectra of follicle fluid combined with gonadotrophin levels, multivariate analysis and machine learning methods, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, (2022), (), 102883, .
  23. Çebi M., Metin B., Tarhan N., The association between vitamin B12 and plasma homocysteine levels with episodic memory and the volume of memory related brain structures in middle-aged individuals: a retrospective correlational study, Brain Structure and Function, (2022), (), 1-7, .
  24. Nami M., Thatcher R., Kashou N., Lopes D., Lobo M., Bolanos J. F., Morris K., Sadri M., Bustos T., Sanchez G. E., Mohd-Yusof A., Fiallos J., Dye J., Guo X., Peatfield N., Asiryan M., Mayuku-Dore A., Krakauskaite S., Soler E. P., Cramer S. C., Besio W. G., Berenyi A., Tripathi M., Hagedorn D., Ingemanson M., Gombosev M., Liker M., Salimpour Y., Mortazavi M., Braverman E., Prichep L. S., Chopra D., Eliashiv D. S., Hariri R., Tiwari A., Green K., Cormier J., Hussain N., Tarhan N., Sipple D., Roy M., Yu J. S., Filler A., Chen M., Wheeler C., Ashford J. W., Blum K., Zelinsky D., Yamamoto V., Kateb B., A Proposed Brain-, Spine-, and Mental- Health Screening Methodology (NEUROSCREEN) for Healthcare Systems: Position of the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, (2022), (), 1-10, .
  25. Bulut H., Tarhan N., Büyük M., Serin K. R., Ulukaya E., Depciuch J., Parlinska-Wojtan M., Guleken Z., Assessment of Oxidative Stress Effects in Serum Determined by FT-IR Spectroscopy in Cholangiocarcinoma Patients, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, (2022), 23(2), 151-161, .
  26. Depciuch J., Parlinska-Wojtan M., Serin K. R., Bulut H., Ulukaya E., Tarhan N., Guleken Z., Differential of Cholangiocarcinoma disease using Raman spectroscopy combined with multivariate analysis, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, (2022), (), 121006, .
  27. Akagunduz D., Cebecioglu R., Ozen F., Ozdemir M., Bermek H., Tarhan N., Arslan A., Catal T., Effects of Psychoactive Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater on Electricity Generation in Microbial Fuel Cells, CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, (2022), (), 0-0, .
  28. Kesebir S., Tarlacı S., Demirer M., Tarhan N., Response to venlafaxine on EEG in unmedicated bipolar depression: which entropy, up or down?, JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, (2022), (), 187-193, .
  29. Adamson M., Hadipour A., Tekin T., Uyulan C., Kazemi R., Phillips A., Seenivasan S., Eshghi E., Tarhan N., A deep learning approach to evaluating sex differences in antidepressant response to neuromodulation using EEG in major depressive disorder, Brain Stimultaion, (2022), (), 1674, .
  30. Guleken Z., Jakubczyk P., Wiesław P., Krzysztof P., Bulut H., Öten E., Depciuch J., Tarhan N., Characterization of Covid-19 infected pregnant women sera using laboratory indexes, vibrational spectroscopy, and machine learning classifications, Talanta, (2022), (), 122916, .
  31. Kevina M., Mohammad N., Joe B., Maria L., Melodya S., Johna F., Gilberto S., Teshiaa B., Nikitaa C., Marcoa A., Susanne S., Aleroa M., Indiraa S., Nicolea B. G. M., Alejandroa D., Danielaa B., Tarhan , Nevzat , Claussen , Carstena , Alejandroa M., Sergeh B., Louisa Y., Shigeo O., Farhad T., Konstantin K., Christinan S., Sarato C. P., Manjari T., Vasileios K., Briant M., Maryamd N., Kazemd A., Abbasd A., Gholam-Alid H., Faridedind N., Mojtabad B., Asadi-Pooya , Sajad S., Saeidd |. S., Margaretdd F., Nesrin D., Namatha H., Zoltana M., W T. R., Daniela S., Kuldip S., Deepak C., Francesco C., Giannantonio S., Ted B., Deborah Z., Christopher W., Wesson A. J., Reinhard S., M N., Harry K., Aarona F., S E. D., Dipen S., Antonio D., Venkatramana S., Sergey S., Kena G., Baris M., Roberta H., Jasona C., Vicky Y., Babak K., Neuroscience20 (BRAIN20, SPINE20, and MENTAL20) Health Initiative: A Global Consortium Addressing the Human and Economic Burden of Brain, Spine, and Mental Disorders Through Neurotech Innovations and Policies, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, (2021), 1(1), 1-39, .
  32. Guleken Z., Bulut H., Depciuch J., Tarhan N., Diagnosis of Endometriosis Using Endometrioma Volume and Vibrational spectroscopy with Multivariate Methods as a Noninvasive Method, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, (2021), (), 11-19, .
  33. Evrensel A., Ünsalver B. Ö., Ceylan M. E., Tarhan N., Vaccination and Immunotherapy for Major Depression, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, (2021), 2021(1305), 503-513, .
  34. Guleken Z., HuriBulut , Gültekin G. İ., Arıkan S., Yaylım İ., Hakan M. T., Sönmez D., Tarhan N., Depciuch J., Assessment of structural protein expression by FTIR and biochemical assays as biomarkers of metabolites response in gastric and colon cancer, Talanta, (2021), (), 122353, .
  35. H. O. Tekin, Issa S. A. M., G. Kilic , Zakaly H. M. H., N. Tarhan, H. A. A. Sidek, K. A. Matori, M. H. M. Zaid, A Systematical Characterization of TeO2–V2O5 Glass System Using Boron (III) Oxide and Neodymium (III) Oxide Substitution: Resistance Behaviors against Ionizing Radiation, Applied Sciences, (2021), (), 1-16, .
  36. Tekin H. O., Issa S. A. M., Kilic G., Zakaly H. M. H., Abuzaid M. M., Tarhan N., Alshammari K., Sidek H. A. A., Matori K. A., Zaid M. H. M., In-Silico Monte Carlo Simulation Trials for Investigation of V2O5 Reinforcement Effect on Ternary Zinc Borate Glasses: Nuclear Radiation Shielding Dynamics, Materials, (2021), (), 14-1158, .
  37. Güleken Z., Depciuch J., Ege H., İlbay G., Kalkandelen C., Ozbeyli D., Bulut H., Sener G., Tarhan N., Kuruca S. E., Spectrochemical and Biochemical Assay Comparison Study of the Healing Effect of the Aloe Vera and Hypericum Perforatum Loaded Nanofiber Dressings on Diabetic Wound, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, (2021), (), 119639, .
  38. El-Denglawey A., Issa S. A. M., Saddeek Y. B., Elshami W., Sayed M. A., Elsaman R., Tarhan N., Tekin H. O., Mechanical, structural and nuclear radiation shielding competencies of some tellurite glasses reinforced with molybdenum trioxide, Physica Scripta, (2021), (), 045702, .
  39. Uyulan C., Sella S. D., Erguzel T., Lynn E., Adamson M., Knott V., Blier P., Zelka M., Tarhan N., Depression Diagnosis Modeling with Advanced Computational Methods: Frequency Domain eMVAR and Deep Learning, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2021), (), 1, .
  40. Evrensel A., Tarhan N., Inflammation Biomarkers in Psychiatry, Current Psychiatry Research and Reviews, (2020), (), 1, .
  41. Metin S. Z., Altuğlu T. B., Tarhan N., Metin B., Anatomical Connectivity Changes Can Differentiate Patients with Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Disorders, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, (2020), 10(2), 72-79, .
  42. Uyulan Ç., Ergüzel T. T., Ünübol H., Sayar G. H., Çebi M., Asad M., Tarhan N., Major Depressive Disorder Classification Based on Different Convolutional Neural Network Models: Deep Learning Approach, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2020), (), 1-9, .
  43. Salçini C., Çebi M., Sarı A., Tanrıdağ O., Tarhan N., Quantitative EEG Differences in Subtypes of Frontotemporal Dementia, Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology, (2020), (), 1-4, .
  44. Arıkan K., Öksüz Ö., Metin B., Günver G., Çetin H. L., Esmeray T., Tarhan N., Quantitative EEG Findings in Patients With Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2020), (), 1, .
  45. , Ketamine as a Rapid Acting Antidepressant in Treatment ResistantDepressive Disorder and Preventing Recurrence, Israel Journal of Psychiatry, (2020), 1(), 57-59, .
  46. Erguzel T. T., Uyulan C., Unsalver B., Evrensel A., Cebi M., Noyan C. O., Metin B., Eryilmaz G., Sayar G. H., Tarhan N., Entropy: A Promising EEG Biomarker Dichotomizing Subjects With Opioid Use Disorder and Healthy Controls, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2020), (), 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059420905724.
  47. Altuğlu T. B., Metin B., Tülay E. E., Tan O., Sayar G. H., Taş C., Arikan K., Tarhan N., Prediction of Treatment Resistance in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Patients Based on EEG Complexity as a Biomarker, Clinical Neurophysiology, (2020), 131(2), 716-724, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2019.11.063.
  48. Arasıl A. B. S., Turan F., Metin B., Ertaş H. S., Tarhan N., Positive Psychology Course: A Way to Improve Well - Being, Journal of Education and Future, (2019), (17), 16-24, .
  49. Metin S. Z., Altuglu T. B., Metin B., Erguzel T. T., Yigit S., Arıkan M. K., Tarhan K. N., Use of EEG for Predicting Treatment Response to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2019), (), 1, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059419879569.
  50. Gokten E. S., Tulay E. E., Beser B., Yuksel M. E., Arikan K., Tarhan N., Metin B., Predictive Value of Slow and Fast EEG Oscillations for Methylphenidate Response in ADHD, Cilinical EEG and neuroscience, (2019), (), 332-338, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059419863206.
  51. Arikan M. K., Gunver M. G., Tarhan N., Metin B., High-Gamma: A biological marker for suicide attempt in patients with depression, Journal of Affective Disorders, (2019), 254(1), 1 - 6, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.05.007.
  52. Kesebir S., Demirer R. M., Tarhan N., CFC delta-beta is related with mixed features and response to treatment in bipolar II depression, Heliyon, (2019), 5(6), e01898, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01898.
  53. O. Kilicoglu, Altunsoy E., O. Agar, M. Kamislioglu, Sayyed M., Tekin H., Tarhan N., Synergistic effect of La2O3 on mass stopping power (MSP) / projected range (PR) and nuclear radiation shielding abilities of silicate glasses, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, (2019), (), 1-7, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2019.102424.
  54. Arikan M. K., Metin B., Günver M. G., Tarhan N., Borderline Personality and Bipolar Disorders Cannot Be Differentiated Electrophysiologically, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2019), 50(6), 383-388, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059419860028.
  55. Tekin H., E. Kavaz, Altunsoy E., M. Kamislioglu, O. Kilicoglu, O. Agar, Sayyed M., Tarhan N., Characterization of a broad range gamma-ray and neutron shielding properties of MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-B2O3 and Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 glass systems, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, (2019), (), 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2019.05.012.
  56. O. Agar, E. Kavaz, Altunsoy E., O. Kilicoglu, Tekin H., Sayyed M., Erguzel T., Tarhan N., Er2O3 effects on photon and neutron shielding properties of TeO2-Li2O–ZnO-Nb2O5 glass system, Results in Physics, (2019), (), 1-37, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2019.102277.
  57. Canbolat F., Erinç D. M. T., Evrensel A., Aydın A., Tarhan K. N., Quantitation of escitalopram and its metabolites by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in psychiatric patients: New metabolic ratio establishment., Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol., (2019), 124(3), 285-297, https://doi.org/10.1111/bcpt.13133.
  58. Metin B., Arikan M. K., Kalem S. A., Tarhan N., A Case of Capgras Syndrome With Frontotemporal Dementia., Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, (2019), (), p 134–138, https://doi.org/10.1097/wnn.0000000000000191.
  59. Sutcubasi B., Metin S. Z., Erguzel T. T., Metin B., Tas C., Arikan M. K., Tarhan N., Anatomical Connectivity Changes in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Investigated Using Whole Brain Tract-Based Spatial Statistics and Machine Learning Approaches, Neural Computing and Applications, (2018), 1(1), 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-03992-y.
  60. Catal T., Kul A., Atalay V. E., Bermek H., Ozilhan S., Tarhan N., Efficacy of microbial fuel cells for sensing of cocaine metabolites in urine-based wastewater, Journal of Power Sources, (2018), 414(), 1-7, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.12.078.
  61. Uyulan C., Ergüzel T. T., Tarhan N., Entropy-Based Feature Extraction Technique in Conjunction With Wavelet Packet Transform For Multi Mental Task Classification, Biomedical Engineering - Biomedizinische Technik, (2018), (), 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1515/bmt-2018-0105.
  62. Erguzel T. T., Noyan C. O., Eryilmaz G., Ünsalver B. Ö., Cebi M., Tas C., Dilbaz N., Tarhan N., Binomial Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network Methods to Classify Opioid Dependent Subjects and Control Group Using Quantitative EEG Power Measures, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2018), 1(1), 1-8, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059418824450.
  63. KAYA B. S., TAŞ C., SARI A. B., TARHAN K. N., FK K., B O., The relationship between responsiveness to social and monetary rewards and ADHD symptoms., Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci, (2018), (), 857-868, .
  64. Arikan M. K., Metin B., Tarhan N., EEG gamma synchronization is associated with response to paroxetine treatment., J Affective disorders, (2018), 1(235), 114-116, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2018.04.041.
  65. Arikan M. K., Metin B., Metin S. Z., Tülay E. E., Tarhan N., High Frequencies in QEEG Are Related to the Level of Insight in Patients With Schizophrenia, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2018), 49(5), 1-5, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059418785489.
  66. TÜLAY E. E., ARIKAN K., METİN B., TARHAN K. N., Multimodal Neuroimaging: Basic Concepts and Classification of Neuropsychiatric Diseases, CLINICAL EEG AND NEUROSCIENCE, (2018), 50(1), 1-14, .
  67. Metin S. Z., Erguzel T. T., Ertan G., Salcini C., Kocarslan B., Cebi M., Metin B., Tanridag O., Tarhan N., The Use of Quantitative EEG for Differentiating Frontotemporal Dementia From Late-Onset Bipolar Disorder, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2018), 49(3), 171-176, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059417750914.
  68. TARHAN K. N., ÇEBİ M., A B., A S., D H., Reward Processing Deficits During a Spatial Attention Task in Patients With ADHD: An fMRI Study., J Attention Disorders, (2018), 22(7), 694-702, .
  69. CANBOLAT F., KUL A., ÖZDEMİR M., ATİK U., AYDIN A., ÖZDEN S. T., TARHAN K. N., Substance Abuse Profiles of Patients Admitted to the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Research, Treatment, and Education Center in Turkey, Turk J Pharm Sci, (2018), (), 294-303, https://doi.org/10.4274/tjps.50470.
  70. ALTUNSOY E. E., TEKİN H. O., TARHAN K. N., ERGÜZEL T. T., Manici T., Comparison of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Network Approaches in the Estimation of Monte Carlo Mean Glandular Dose Calculations of Mammography, Digest Journal of nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2018), 13(1), x, .
  71. Salçini C., Sayar G. H., Çebi M., Tan O., Kağan G., Tanrıdağ O., Tarhan N., The impact of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on executive functioning of drug-free patients with treatment-resistant depression, PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, (2017), 28(2), 185-190, https://doi.org/10.1080/24750573.2017.1421398.
  72. S. Metin, B. Metin, C. Tas, N. Tarhan, Connectivity differences between bipolar disorder, unipolar depression and schizophrenia, European Psychiatry, (2017), (), S348, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.02.320.
  73. Metin S., B. Metin, B. Kocarslan, C. Salcini, N. Tarhan, Quantitative EEG may help differentiating bipolar disorder at old age from frontotemporal dementia, EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY, (2017), (), S628-S629, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1021.
  74. Isiten H. N., Cebi M., Kaya B. S., Metin B., Tarhan N., Medication Effects on EEG Biomarkers in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, CLINICAL EEG AND NEUROSCIENCE, (2016), 48(4), 246-250, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059416675232.
  75. Kesebir S., Erdinç B., Tarhan N., Predictors of metabolic syndrome in first manic episode, ASIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, (2016), 25(), 179-183, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2016.10.014.
  76. Erguzel T. T., Sayar G. H., Tarhan N., Artificial intelligence approach to classify unipolar and bipolar depressive disorders, Neural Computing and Applications, (2016), 27(6), 1607 - 1616, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-015-1959-z.
  77. Kaya B. S., Metin B., Tas Z. C., Buyukaslan A., Soysal A., Hatiloglu D., Tarhan N., Gray Matter Increase in Motor Cortex in Pediatric ADHD. A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study, Journal of Attention Disorders, (2016), 22(7), 611-618, https://doi.org/10.1177/1087054716659139.
  78. Tas C., Mogulkoc H., Eryilmaz G., Gogcegoz-Gul I., Erguzel T. T., Metin B., Tarhan N. K., Discriminating schizophrenia and schizo-obsessive disorder: a structural MRI study combining VBM and machine learning methods, Neural Computing and Applications, (2016), 29(2), 377-387, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-016-2451-0.
  79. Erguzel T. T., Sayar G. H., Tan O., Tarhan N., A hybrid artificial intelligence method to classify trichotillomania and obsessive compulsive disorder, Neurocomputing, (2015), 161(1), 220 - 228, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2015.02.039.
  80. Tas C., Cebi M., Tan O., Hızlı-Sayar G., Tarhan N., Brown E. C., EEG power, cordance and coherence differences between unipolar and bipolar depression, JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, (2015), 172(), 184-190, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2014.10.001.
  81. Erguzel T. T., Gultekin S., Tarhan N., Sayar G. H., Bayram A., Neural Network Based Response Prediction of rTMS in Major Depressive Disorder Using QEEG Cordance, Psychiatry Investigation, (2015), 12(1), 61, https://doi.org/10.4306/pi.2015.12.1.61.
  82. Sayar G. H., Ozten E., Tufan E., Cerit C., Kağan G., Dilbaz N., Tarhan N., Transcranial magnetic stimulation during pregnancy, ARCHIVES OF WOMENS MENTAL HEALTH, (2014), 17(4), 311-315, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00737-013-0397-0.
  83. Gul I. G., Eryilmaz G., Sayar G. H., Ozten E., Arat M. M., Tarhan N., Evaluation of the efficacy of the continuation electroconvulsive therapy in treatment-resistant schizophrenia, Archives of Clinical Psychiatry, (2014), 41(4), 90-94, https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-60830000000018.
  84. Erguzel T. T., Ozekes S., Gultekin S., Tarhan N., Ant Colony Optimization Based Feature Selection Method for QEEG Data Classification, Psychiatry Investigation, (2014), 11(3), 243, https://doi.org/10.4306/pi.2014.11.3.243.
  85. Ozekes S., Erguzel T., Sayar G. H., Tarhan N., Analysis of Brain Functional Changes in High-Frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Treatment-Resistant Depression, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2013), 45(4), 257 - 261, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059413515656.
  86. Sayar G., Tan O., Eryilmaz G., Ozten E., Salcini C., Tarhan N., Seizure in a patient receiving transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment, ANADOLU PSIKIYATRI DERGISI-ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, (2013), 14(3), 287-289, https://doi.org/10.5455/apd.40638.
  87. Sayar G. H., Transcranial magnetic stimulation for treating depression in elderly patients, NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISEASE AND TREATMENT, (2013), 9(), 501-504, https://doi.org/10.2147/ndt.s44241.
  88. Tarhan N., Sayar F. G. H., Tan O., Kağan G., Efficacy of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment resistant depression, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, (2012), 43(4), 279 - 284, https://doi.org/10.1177/1550059412449752.
  89. DOĞAN C. S., TARHAN K. N., ULUCAN K., KONUK M., Kapıcı S., Importance of SLC6A4 promoter Short and Long Allelle in predisposition and in determining the optimal drug dosage in patients with major depression, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, (2011), 27(), 1686, .
  90. Bayram A., Bayraktaroglu Z., Karahan E., Erdogan B., Bilgic B., Özker M., Kasikci I., Duru A. D., Ademoglu A., Öztürk C., Arikan K., Tarhan N., Demiralp T., Simultaneous EEG/fMRI Analysis of the Resonance Phenomena in Steady-State Visual Evoked Responses, CLINICAL EEG AND NEUROSCIENCE, (2011), 42(2), 98-106, https://doi.org/10.1177/155005941104200210.
  91. ÖZİLHAN S., TARHAN K. N., Melikoglu U., Ozden T., A S., Exploring novelties in psychopharmacology; therapeutic drug monitoring, Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, (2009), 1(1), 1, .
  92. Tan O., Tarhan N., Coban A., Baripoglu S. K., Guducu F., Izgi H. B., Hizli G., Ates O., Bulut H., Antidepressant Effect of 58 Sessions of rTMS in a Pregnant Woman With Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder, The Primary Care Companion to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, (2008), 10(1), 69-71, .
  93. Aǧargün M. Y., Çilli A. S., Kara H., Tarhan N., Kincir F., Öz H., Repetitive and frightening dreams and suicidal behavior in patients with major depression., Comprehensive Psychiatry, (1998), 39(4), 198-202, https://doi.org/10.1016/s0010-440x(98)90060-8.

7.2. Papers published in other internationally peer-reviewed journals

  1. Ünal A. T., Deligöz E., İnce İ., Sarıyer E., Çevirir Ç. A., Mete Z. Ç., Nart E. A., Çaşkurlu F. S. T., Akkoyun Ç. Ş., Akbay-Safi S., Çalışkan O. S., Bostancı F., Keskin R., Tarhan N., Development of the Tendency of Lying in Digital Environments Scale (TOLDES) and Investigation of Psychometric Properties, Journal of Addiction Research, (2024), 8(1), 1-18, .
  2. TARHAN N., ÜNAL A. T., YEKTAŞ Ç., ŞAHBAZ İ., GÜR F., OKUTAN B. B., Social Media Addiction of High School Students: Üsküdar District Sample in Turkey, Journal of Addiction & Addictive Disorders, (2023), 10(2), 1-13, .
  3. Salçini C., Yosmaoğlu A., Tarhan N., Tanrıdağ O., Electroconvulsive Therapy for the Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis: A Case Report, Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences, (2023), (), 852-856, .
  4. İpek Y., Tayfun G., İlknur B., Korkut U., Nevzat T., Pharmacogenetic application in a patient diagnosed with Schizophrenia and OCD: A case report, International Journal of Radiology and Radiation Oncology, (2023), (), 008-012, .
  5. TARHAN N., KANSU A. F., ÜNAL A. T., Üsküdar Politik Liderlik ve Üsküdar Seçmen Kendini Değerlendirme Ölçeklerinin Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlik Analizleri, İSTANBUL AREL ÜNİVERSİTESİ İLETİŞİM ÇALIŞMALARI DERGİSİ, (2022), 10(22), 175-198, .
  6. ÜNAL A. T., TARHAN N., Transformation of Education with The Metaverse Awareness and Metaverse Generation, International Journal of Academic Research in Education, (2022), 8(1), 74-83, .
  7. TARHAN N., ÜNAL A. T., Uskudar Life Meaning and Goals Scale Validity and Reliability Studies., The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences-JNBS, (2022), 9(2), 58-67, .
  8. TUTGUN-ÜNAL A., DOĞAN N., DOĞAN N., MURADİ P., TÜTER İ., UZUN Ç., HATİPOĞLU A., PARLAK S. Ç., AYDIN A., ZÜMRÜT N., MERİÇ D. T., BÜYÜK D. M., KESKİNER M., KIRIŞ B. F., KESKİNER M., AYLUCTARHAN M., ÇAKAN M., KARADEMİR H., AYYILDIZ Y., TARHAN K. N., Üsküdar Nomofobi Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi Ve Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi, Current Research and Reviews in Psychology and Psychiatry, (2022), 2(2), 112-135, .
  9. GÜLER E. K., ÜNAL A. T., TARHAN K. N., Z Kuşağının Yaşam Anlam ve Amaç Algısının İncelenmesi, Bayterek Uluslararası Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, (2022), 5(2), 179-198, .
  10. TARHAN N., ÜNAL A. T., Validity and Reliability Studies of the Uskudar Benevolence and Malevolence Scale (USBEMA) in the Digital Age, TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, (2022), 21(3), 101-113, .
  11. TARHAN N., ÜNAL A. T., Developing a Series of Scales for Generations' Values in the Age of New Media: Validity and Reliability Study of Uskudar XYZ Generation Differences Scale, TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, (2022), 21(2), 20-38, .
  12. SEKER S., SEN A., TARHAN N., MODELING AND SIMULATION OF EMISSIVITY OF COMPONENTS OF VEGETATION, International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, (2022), 10(3), 10-14, .
  13. CEREZCI O., SEKER S., TARHAN N., PROPAGATION STUDY OF GSM FREQUENCIES THROUGH FOREST, International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, (2022), 10(3), 1-5, .
  14. YILMAZ E., ÜNAL A. T., TARHAN N., Z Kuşağının PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) Oyunu Bağlamında Çevrimiçi Oyun Bağımlılığının İncelenmesi, Online Journal of Technology Addiction and Cyberbullying, (2022), 9(1), 1-27, .
  15. EKİNCİ Y., ÜNAL A. T., TARHAN N., DİJİTAL SAĞLIK OKURYAZARLIĞI ÜZERİNE BİR ALANYAZIN İNCELEMESİ, Bayterek Uluslararası Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, (2021), 4(2), 148-165, .
  16. Sayar G. H., Ünal A. T., Ünübol H., Arıboğan D. Ü., Tarhan N., Validity and Reliability Studies of the Psycho‑Political Safety Scale, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2021), 2021(4), 209-217, .
  17. ÜNAL A. T., TARHAN N., MURADİ P., KURT A. S., The Adaptation of the Instagram Addiction Scale (TIAS) into Turkish: Validity and Reliability Studies, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET, (2021), 20(4), 76-89, .
  18. TARHAN N., ÜNAL A. T., Uskudar Democratic Leadership Scale Validity and Reliability Studies, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2021), 8(2), 96-106, .
  19. TARHAN N., GÖKTEN E. S., ÜNAL A. T., ŞAHİN A., The Adaptation of Gender Identity / Gender Dysphoria Questionnaire for Adults: Turkish Validity and Reliability Studies, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2021), 8(2), 125-134, .
  20. AKKAYA F. H., ÜNAL A. T., TARHAN N., Y Kuşağının Dijital Oyun Bağımlılığının İncelenmesi, Online Journal of Technology Addiction and Cyberbullying, (2021), 8(1), 1-22, .
  21. Canbolat F., Erinç D. M. T., Sercan C., Evrensel A., Ulucan K., Aydın A., Tarhan N., Evaluating of Solute Carrier Family 6 Member 4 Gene (SLC6A4) Promoter Polymorphisms with Escitalopram Plasma Levels for Precision Medicine in Major Depressive Disorder, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2021), 8(1), 60-69, .
  22. Oruç D., Aydın A., Considering Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Data for a Good Dose Strategy in Intake of Escitalopram, Fluoxetine, and Sertraline, Acta Scientific Pharmacology, (2020), 1(8), 15-23, .
  23. Sayar G. H., Ünübol H., Arıboğan D. Ü., Tarhan N., Turkey’s Map of Emotions and Its Political Reflections, New England Journal of Public Policy, (2020), (), 1-15, .
  24. Cebi M., Metin B., Cevre B., Tarhan N., ARE FLASHBULB MEMORIES PRESERVED IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE?, JNBS, (2020), 7(1), 21-26, .
  25. Ünsalver B., Evrensel A., Sayar G., Karamustafalıoğlu O., Tarhan N., Attitudes of Turkish psychiatrists regarding Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2020), 7(1), 37-41, .
  26. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Personalized Psychiatry, Behavioural Science and Psychology, (2019), 2(3), 180022, .
  27. Uyulan Ç., Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Elektroensefalografi Tabanlı Sinyallerin Analizinde Derin Öğrenme Algoritmalarının Kullanılması / Using Deep Learning Algorithms in The Analysis of Electroencephalography-Based Signals, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2019), (), 1-5, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1553607558.
  28. Ozdemir M., Enisoglu-Atalay V., Bermek H., Ozilhan S., Tarhan N., Catal T., Removal of a cannabis metabolite from human urine in microbial fuel cells generating electricity, Bioresource Technology Reports, (2019), 5(), 121-126, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biteb.2019.01.003.
  29. Kansu A. F., Tarhan N., Politik Psikoloji ve Politik Öz-Yeterlik /Political Psychology and Political Self-Efficacy, Journal of Social Sciences, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (2018), (), 1-18, https://doi.org/10.32739/uskudarsbd.4.6.38.
  30. Sayar G., Ünübol H., Omay O., Tarhan N., Successful administration of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in a woman with Bulimia Nervosa comorbid with depressive disorder., The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2018), 5(2), 124-126, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1523202016.
  31. Antikacioglu L., Tarhan N., A proposal for a new classification in psychopathology, JNBS, (2018), (), 67-71, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1514889994.
  32. Tekin H., Erguzel T., Karahan M., Konuk M., Tarhan N., Radiation attenuatoin properties of human brain regions according to elemental composition in radiological energy range: A monte carlo simulation, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2018), 5(1), 8-12, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1521311225.
  33. Korkmaz N., Sayar G., nübol H., Tarhan N., İnternet Bağımlılığı Olan ve Olmayan Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Zihin Kuramı Yönünden Karşılaştırılması / Comparison of college students with and without internet addiction in terms of the Theory of Mind, Current Addiction, (2018), 2(1), 17-21, https://doi.org/10.5455/car.105-1526826750.
  34. METİN B., TARHAN K. N., Z A., Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the ADHD DSM Scale, JNBS, (2018), (), 5(1),p:3-7,, .
  35. Metin B., Pehlivan R., Tarhan N., USKUDAR GELISMELERI KACIRMA KORKUSU OLCEGININ GECERLILIK VE GUVENILIRLIK CALISMASI, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2017), 4(2), 43-46, .
  36. TARHAN K. N., L A., Pedophilia and other monosymptomatic psychopathologies, JNBS, (2017), (), 4, (1), .
  37. Metin B., Pehlivan R., Tarhan N., Realiability and validity of Uskudar fear of missing out scale, JNBS, (2017), (), 4(2), 43-46,, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1494334674.
  38. ÜNSALVER B. Ö., TARHAN K. N., Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder, Turkiye Klinikleri Psychiatry-Special Topics, (2017), (), 10(2),79-87., .
  39. Arikan M. K., Tarhan N., Uysal O., Kupcuoglu S., Gunay B., Kucuk Z., The Simplest way of assessing memory and attention function in daily clinical practice, Neuropsychiatry, (2016), 6(6), 362-365, https://doi.org/10.4172/neuropsychiatry.1000161.
  40. Sayar G. H., Şalçini C., Tarhan N., Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in a Depressive Patient With Cardiac Pacemaker, The Journal of ECT, (2016), 32(3), E22-E23, https://doi.org/10.1097/yct.0000000000000342.
  41. Ozcan S., Sayar G., Tarhan N., Non-pharmacological Treatment Approach to Pain, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2016), 3(2), 65-68, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1459855497.
  42. Evrensel A., Balibey H., Tarhan N., Clinical Features and Length of Stay of Inpatients in the Psychiatric Ward of A Military University Hospital: One-Year Review, Med-Science, (2016), (), 5(2): 371-83, doi, https://doi.org/10.5455/medscience.2015.04.8384.
  43. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Future of Psychiatry: Mobile Health and Social Sensing, JNBS, (2016), (), 3 (2), .
  44. TARHAN K. N., L A., A speculation on the mechanisms of ECT, TMS, tDCS and similar techniques, JNBS, (2016), (), 3, (2), .
  45. TARHAN K. N., L A., On Culture, Biases, Brain Washing, Behavior Changing, Public Opinion and Similar, JNBS, (2016), (), 3, (3), .
  46. Evrensel A., Salçini C., Tarhan N., Ünsalver B., Persistent Lingual Dyskinesia and Protrusion Due To Clomipramine and Risperidone, JNBS, (2016), (), 3, (2, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1456830409.
  47. Sayar G., Bulut H., Tarhan N., Use of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment of Auditory Hallucinations: A Case Report and Brief Review, JNBS, (2016), (), 3, (1), https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1449305089.
  48. EVRENSEL A., TARHAN K. N., HAKAN B., Bir üniversite hastanesi psikiyatri servisinde yatarak tedavi gören hastaların yatış süreleri ve klinik özellikleri: Bir yıllık inceleme. / Hospitalization times and clinical characteristics of inpatient patients in a University Hospital psychiatric servi, Medicine Science, (2016), 5(2), 371 - 383, .
  49. EVRENSEL A., ÜNSALVER B. Ö., TARHAN K. N., Repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation as a successful augmentation strategy in a patient with first episode psychosis., The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2016), 3(3), 122 - 124, .
  50. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., BULUT H., Use of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Treatment of Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia, Journal of Neurology, Neurological Science and Disorders, (2015), 1(1), 17-21, .
  51. Yilmaz O., Nurmedov S., Noyan C., Darcin A., Dilbaz N., Tarhan N., When is the appropriate time for families to be involved in addiction treatment; From the beginning? A retrospective evaluation of inpatients in a private hospital, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences: JNBS, (2015), (), :105-109, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1443118118.
  52. Tas C., Karakose R., Metin B., Yildiz G., Ekmen S., Brown E., Tarhan N., Functional brain changes during Sema Meditation: Neuronal correlates and their associations with affective states, JNBS, (2015), (), p:1-6, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1433752749.
  53. SAĞLAM E., TARHAN N., ÖZDAMAR E. N., SAĞLAM İ. Y., In Case of Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia, Pharmacogenetic Tests Could Be Helpful to Explain the Resistance and the Selection of New Drugs, Turkiye Klinikleri J Case Rep, (2015), (), ;23(3):286-90, https://doi.org/10.5336/caserep.2013-34158.
  54. NOYAN C. O., DİLBAZ H. N., TARHAN K. N., SERDAR N., ENEZ D. A., CAN E. T., ONAT Y., Erkek Bağımlılar ve Ebeveynlerinde Bağlanma Biçimi ve Kontrol Odağının Klinik Özellikler ile İlişkisi / Male Addicts and the Form of the Affiliation of their Parents and the Relationship of Control Focus to Clinical Features, Bağımlılık Dergisi, (2015), 16(3), 127 - 133, .
  55. EVRENSEL A., TARHAN K. N., Ceylan M. E., Inappropriate sexual behavior due to frontal dementia., BMJ Case Rep, (2015), (), 1-2, .
  56. ÇEBİ M., TAŞ C., TARHAN K. N., New Treatment Approaches in Tinnitus: The Place of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology, (2014), (), 1-8, .
  57. Tas C., Erensoy H., Ibadi Y., Brown E., Tarhan N., Anksiyete Bozukluklarında tedavisi Sonrasında QEEG Değişiklikleri: Olgu Serisi / QEEG Changes After Treatment in Anxiety Disorders: Case Series, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2014), (), pp. 9-13, https://doi.org/10.5455/jnbs.1392036730.
  58. ERYILMAZ G., ÜNSALVER B. Ö., SAYAR F. G. H., GÜL I. G., TARHAN K. N., Is there a relationship between bupropion plasma levels and blood pressure increase?, Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy, (2014), (), 3(2):197-200, .
  59. TARHAN K. N., M A., A B., A A., Effect of Ovarian Hormones on Memory Suppression, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2014), 1(3), 63-69, .
  60. Sayar G., Tan O., Eryilmaz G., Ozten E., Salcini C., Tarhan N., Transkraniyal manyetik uyarım tedavisi sırasında ortaya çıkan nöbet / Emerging seizures during TMS treatment, Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, (2013), (), 14:287-9, https://doi.org/10.5455/apd.40638.
  61. Gül I. G., Hızlısayar G., Özten E., Eryılmaz G., Bipolar bozukluk tanısı olan bir hermafrodit olgusunda hezeyanların fenomenolojisi / The phenomenology of delusions in a hermaphrodite case with bipolar disorder, Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi, (2013), (), 1-12, https://doi.org/10.4274/npa.y7231.
  62. TAN O., SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., BARİPOĞLU S., Çoban A., Guducu F., Izgi H. B., Ates O. T., Bulu H., Exacerbation of Obsessions With Modafinil in 2 Patients With Medication-Responsive Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Primary Care Companion to the Journal Clinical Psychiatry, (2008), 10(2), 164-165, .
  63. TARHAN K. N., Agargün , M , Karelt , Kıncır , F. , Bilgi , H , The Importance of insomnia in Patients with panic disorder, Medicine, (1997), (), I: 37-39, .
  64. TARHAN K. N., Özil , İ. , Ceylan , M.E.. , Çetin , M. , A Comparative Study of Hormonal Responses of ULD, ULND and BLECT in Patients with Acute Psychosis” (Abstract), American College of Neuropsychopharmacololgy, (1994), (), p.239., .
  65. TARHAN K. N., BURKOVİK Y., Çetin , M , Güven , S , Ceylan , M. , Cognitive Disorders in Antisocial Personality. A heatly Conrolled Study, American Colege of Neuropsychopharmacololgy, (1994), (), p.199., .
  66. TARHAN K. N., Gültepe , M , Özcan , A , The role of phospholipase A2 (PLA-2) enzyme in the etiology of depression, Düşünen Adam, (1994), (), 7(1-2):31-39., .
  67. TARHAN K. N., Sertralin: Yeni Bir Antidepresan / Sertraline: A New Antidepressant, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni, (1992), (), V:2, P:3, 22-38,, .
  68. TARHAN K. N., Ceylan , E. , A Comparison of the Effects and Side-Effects of Fluvoksamine and Impramine in Major Depression, Current Aspect in Clinical Psychopharmacology, (1991), (), P:39, .
  69. TARHAN K. N., Doğruöz , K , Klasik Dermatolojik Topikal Tedaviden Yararlanamamış Alopecia Areatal Hastalarda Çift Kör Fluoxetine Pacebo ve Psikoterapi Uygulamaları / , Double-Blind Fluoxetine Placebo and Psychotherapy Applications in Alopecia Areata Patients Who Cannot Benefit from , Düşünen Adam, (1991), (), 4:(2):18-24, .
  70. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M , Ozogretmen , H , Prevalence of Psychosis in the Age of Military Service, Biological Psychiatry, (1991), (), 29, .
  71. TARHAN K. N., BURKOVİK Y., Güven , S , Bir olgu nedeniyle Klein-levin sendromu / Klein-Levin syndrome due to a case, Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi, (1989), (), 47-53, .

7.3. Assertions presented in international scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

  1. Tarhan N., Use of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers as Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, SBMT 2024, (16.03.2024), Los Angeles - ABD
  2. Tarhan N., Opioid Addiction and Pain Management - Mental Health, Brain Health & Spine Health, N20-2023, (08.09.2023), New Delhi
  3. Tarhan N., Theta Burst Stimulation as a Neuronodulation Tool, SBMT-2023, (18.02.2023), Los Angeles - ABD
  4. TARHAN N., ÜNAL A. T., ÜSKÜDAR AİLEDE MANEVİ YAŞANTI ÖLÇEĞİNİN GEÇERLİLİK VE GÜVENİRLİK ÇALIŞMALARI, Selçuk 7. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, (10.12.2022), Konya-Türkiye
  5. Tarhan N., Theta Burst and Neuromodulation Applications, N20, (12.11.2022), Endonezya - Bali
  6. , Şizofreniden depresyona kadar “Kişiye özel tedavi” yaklaşımı neler vaad ediyor?, Şizofreni & Bipolar & Depresyon Akademisi (ŞİBDA 2022), (09.10.2022), KIBRIS
  7. TARHAN N., ÜNAL A. T., Validity and Reliability Studies of The Uskudar Benevolence and Malevolence Scale (USBEMA) In the Digital Age, International Educational Technology Conference, (27.06.2022), Lefkoşa-Cyprus
  8. , Günümüz İnsanı ve Varoluş Bunalımı, VII ULUSLARARASI MANEVİYAT PSİKOLOJİSİ SEMPOZYUMU, (14.05.2022), İSTANBUL
  9. , Evlilikte Duygusal Zekâ, 4. Uluslararası Pozitif Psikoloji Kongresi, (19.03.2022), iSTANBUL
  10. Tarhan K. N., Akbaba S., Aytaç S. S., Gelişim ve Eğitimde Duygusal Zekâ, 4. Uluslararası Pozitif Psikoloji Kongresi, (19.03.2022), Üsküdar Üniversitesi/İstanbul
  11. Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Deep Learning Application to Evaluate Sex Differences in Response to Neuromodulation in MDD, Society of Brain Mapping and Therapeutics, (19.03.2022), Los Angeles
  12. Tarhan N., Neurophychiatry Istanbul Brain Hospital Model and The Applications, Society of Brain Mapping and Therapeutics, (13.03.2022), Los Angeles
  13. Apaydin G., Seker S., Tarhan N., Relation Between Active and Passive Remote Sensing of Modelling, 1224th International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovations (IACETI), (19.02.2022), Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia
  14. Cerezci O., Seker S., Tarhan N., PROPAGATION STUDY OF GSM FREQUENCIES THROUGH FOREST, 1224th International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovations (IACETI), (19.02.2022), Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia
  15. , CİNSEL KİMLİKLER DOĞUŞTAN MI EDİMSEL Mİ?, Dünya ÇAKOP II. Uluslararası Sempozyumu - ONLINE, (13.11.2021), İSTANBUL
  16. Akagunduz D., Cebecioglu R. E., Bermek H., Ozdemir M., Ozen F., Tarhan N., Catal T., Hydrogen production using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in microbial electrolysis cells, BIOMATSEN 2021, (21.10.2021), Mugla
  18. ÜNAL A. T., TARHAN N., THE ADAPTATION OF THE INSTAGRAM ADDICTION SCALE (TIAS) INTO TURKISH: VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY STUDIES, International Educational Technology Conference (IETC 2021), (02.09.2021), Girne (Kyrenia) / Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
  19. Uyulan Ç., Ergüzel T., Çiftçi E., KEsebir S., Adamson M., Tarhan N., A Deep Learning Based Comparison of Response to TMS Treatment for Gender Differences in MDD Subjects, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, (21.07.2021), Çevrimiçi
  20. Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Predicting Health Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution Using Fuzzy Logic, SBMT, (11.07.2021), Los Angeles
  21. Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Frequency-Domain eMVAR and Deep Learning Methods for Depression Diagnosis Modelling​, SBMT, (11.07.2021), Los Angeles
  22. Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Deep learning approach to evaluate sex differences in response to neuromodulation in Major Depressive Disorder, SBMT, (11.07.2021), Los Angeles
  23. Adamson M., Tarhan N., Hadipour A., Uyulan Ç., Ergüzel T., Kazemi R., Phillips A., Gender Based Deep Learning Models Predicting Response to rTMS, https://ins-congress.com/, (21.05.2021), İspanya
  24. Tarhan N., https://humanities.utm.my/islamic/icctme2021/, Current Trends in the Middle East: Virtual International Joint Conference on COVID-19 Global Impacts, (10.03.2021), Malaysia
  25. , Pandemide Kişisel ve Toplumsal Psikoloji, WIHU'20 COVID'19 Dünya Müslüman Sağlık Toplulukları 5. Kongresi, (23.12.2020), İstanbul
  26. Tarhan N., The effects of Covid-19 Pandemic to Loneliness, G20 Summit/ Neuroscience 20, (21.11.2020), LA
  27. , Çalışma hayatı ve özel hayattaki değişikliklerin ve yeni teknolojilerin insanlar üzerindeki etkileri., HIMSS'20 Avrasya Sağlık Bilişimi ve Teknolojileri Konferans, (13.11.2020), İSTANBUL
  28. Tarhan N., Deep TMS in obsessive compulsive disorder, ECNS Virtual Conference 2020, (06.11.2020), Istanbul
  29. , İleri Yaşlarda Varoluş Bunalımı, 4. Uluslararası Bilimler Işığında Yaratılış Kongresi, (22.10.2020), İSTANBUL
  30. , qeeg psikiyatrik hastaliklarda prognostik değeri, 5. Psikiyatri Zirvesi ve 12. Anksiyete Kongresi -, (29.09.2020), İSTANBUL
  31. Tarhan P. D. N., Ahlakın Güncelleşmesinde Yeni Bir Tarz "İmam Mursi Modeli", Risale-i Nur Işığında Küreselleşme ve Ahlak, (22.09.2020), İstanbul
  32. ERGÜZEL T. T., Computational Psychiatry and Future Perspectives, American Psychiatric Association (APA)-Online Conference, (14.04.2020), Philadelphia
  33. SAYAR F. G. H., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., Gül E., Ruh Sağlığı Çalışanlarının Sanal Gerçeklik Tedavileri Konusundaki Tutum ve Yaklaşımları, 5. Psikiyatri Zirvesi & 12. Anksiyete Kongresi, (21.03.2020),
  34. TARHAN K. N., ÇATAL T., Effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors on Electricity Generation in Microbial Fuel Cells, 8. International Congress of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, (17.12.2019),
  35. Oruç D., Aydın A., Canbolat F., Tarhan N., Klozapin Plazma Düzeyi ve Klozapin Günlük Doz Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi, Türk Toksikoloji Derneği 10. Uluslararası Toksikoloji Kongresi, (16.10.2019), Antalya
  36. CANBOLAT F., TARHAN K. N., Oruç D., Aydın A., Evaluation of Relationship Between Clozapine Plasma Level and Clozapine daily dosage, 10th International Congress of the Turkish Society of Toxicology, (16.10.2019),
  37. TARHAN K. N., Brain Studies; Advancements and Prospects, Jamia Markaz - Brain Studies; Advancements and Prospects, (14.07.2019), India
  38. TARHAN K. N., Precision Medicine in Action”, Turkish Brain Project: Precision Medicine in Psychiatry, World Brain Mapping & Therapeutics Initiative, Osaka, (28.06.2019),
  39. TARHAN K. N., Precision Medicine in Action”, Turkish Brain Project: Precision Medicine in Psychiatry, World Brain Mapping & Therapeutics Initiative, (28.06.2019),
  40. TARHAN K. N., What Does Precision Medicine Promise for Psychiatric Treatment?, American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco,, (20.05.2019),
  41. ÖZDEMİR M., TARHAN K. N., ÖZİLHAN S., ÇATAL T., ATALAY V. E., bermek h., Removal of cannabis metabolite from human urine in microbial fuel cells generating electricity, “4th International Congress on Biomaterials & Biosensors (BIOMATSEN 2019), (12.05.2019),
  42. ERGÜZEL T. T., TARHAN K. N., Deep Learning Applications in Neuroscience, SBMT, (16.03.2019),
  43. ÖZDEMİR M., TARHAN K. N., ÇATAL T., ATALAY V. E., N O., Removal of cannabis metabolite from human urine in microbial fuel cells generating electricity, 4th International Congress on Biomaterials & Biosensors, BIOMATSEN, Mugla, (01.01.2019),
  44. ALTUĞLU T. B., METİN B., TAŞ C., TÜLAY E. E., SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., ARIKAN K., TAN O., Prediction of Drug Resistance in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Using EEG Complexity, ECNS Conference, (04.09.2018),
  45. TARHAN K. N., Anti-NMDA Encephalitis, PULSUS Conference, (27.08.2018),
  46. TARHAN K. N., What is the promise of Neuromodulation Treatments in Addiction Psychiatry, International conference on Addiction Therapy and Clinical Reports, (23.08.2018),
  47. TARHAN K. N., The Use of Quantitative EEG for Differentiating Frontotemporal Dementia From Late-Onset Bipolar Disorder, American Psychiatric Association 2018 Annual Meeting, (05.05.2018),
  48. ERGÜZEL T. T., TARHAN K. N., Uyulan Ç., Entropy-based wavelet packet transform method for multi-mental task classification, Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics - SBMT, (12.04.2018), Los Angeles
  49. TARHAN K. N., Biomarkers that can be used for personalized treatment of psychiatric disorders, SBMT 15th,LA, 2018., (01.01.2018),
  50. TARHAN K. N., MRI biomarkers: Can functional neuroimaging improve diagnostic accuracy in psychiatry?, SBMT 15th - MRI biomarkers: Can functional neuroimaging improve diagnostic accuracy in psychiatry?, (01.01.2018), Los Angeles
  51. TARHAN K. N., Neurotheology, From Neural Science to Spiritual, International Creation Congress on the Light of Sciences II, (01.01.2018),
  52. TARHAN K. N., Logical Reasoning in Creation, International Creation Congress on the Light of Sciences, (01.12.2017),
  53. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Bayram A., Resting-state Networks in Adult Patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), (25.06.2017),
  54. ERGÜZEL T. T., TARHAN K. N., Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment Response in Major Depressive Disorder, SAI Intelligent Systems Conference, London, (01.01.2016),
  55. KESEBİR S., TARHAN K. N., Yaylaci ET., Altintas M., Erdinc. , What the metabolic syndrome predicts in first manic episode?”, BIPOLAR DISORDERS, 18th Annual Conference of the International-Society-for-Bipolar-Disorders / 8th Biennial Conference of the International-Society-for-Affective-Disorders, Amsterdam., (01.01.2016),
  56. KESEBİR S., ERDİNÇ B., TARHAN K. N., ET Y., Can hypophosphatemia be a risk factor for normocalcemic subtype of lithium induced hyperparathyroidism?, 18th Annual Conference of the International-Society-for-Bipolar-Disorders / 8th Biennial Conference of the International-Society-for-Affective-Disorders, Amsterdam. Netherlands, (01.01.2016),
  57. ERTAŞ H. S., TARHAN K. N., HN I., Oksuz NC., L A., The Girls In Social Services With Histories Of Abuse: Exploring Thematic Findings With Relation To Cultural Aspects, 18th Annual Conference of the International-Society-for-Bipolar-Disorders / 8th Biennial Conference of the International-Society-for-Affective-Disorders, Amsterdam, (01.01.2016),
  58. KONUK M., DOĞAN C. S., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., YILANCIOĞLU K., KARAHAN M., Pharmacogenetics in Psychiatry, from bedside to Bench; How when and what to apply,Increasing the Safety and Effectiveness of Personalized Therapy for Metabolic Disorders, 1st PHARMACOGENOMICS İSTANBUL SUMMIT, (27.11.2015),
  59. ULUCAN K., DOĞAN C. S., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., YILANCIOĞLU K., KARAHAN M., KONUK M., CYP2D6 genetic profile of patients under major deppression treatment in a neuropysgciatry hospital in Istanbul, Increasing the Safety and Effectiveness of Personalized Therapy for Metabolic Disorders, 1st PHARMACOGENOMICS İSTANBUL SUMMIT, (27.11.2015),
  60. DOĞAN C. S., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., YILANCIOĞLU K., ULUCAN K., KARAHAN M., KONUK M., Distribution of SLC6A4 L/S polymorphism in patients with depression, and impact of the allelles on optimal dosage for treatment, Increasing the Safety and Effectiveness of Personalized Therapy for Metabolic Disorders, 1st PHARMACOGENOMICS İSTANBUL SUMMIT, (27.11.2015),
  61. KARAHAN M., DOĞAN C. S., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., YILANCIOĞLU K., ULUCAN K., KONUK M., Determination of CYP2C19 genotype in patients under depression treatment, Increasing the Safety and Effectiveness of Personalized Therapy for Metabolic Disorders, 1st PHARMACOGENOMICS İSTANBUL SUMMIT, (27.11.2015),
  62. ULUCAN K., DOĞAN C. S., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., YILANCIOĞLU K., KARAHAN M., KONUK M., CYP1A2 genotype mat interfere in patients with drug medication, Increasing the Safety and Effectiveness of Personalized Therapy for Metabolic Disorders, 1st PHARMACOGENOMICS İSTANBUL SUMMIT, (27.11.2015),
  63. YILANCIOĞLU K., DOĞAN C. S., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., ULUCAN K., KARAHAN M., KONUK M., CYP2C9 *1/*1 is dominating genotype in patients with major depression, Increasing the Safety and Effectiveness of Personalized Therapy for Metabolic Disorders, 1st PHARMACOGENOMICS İSTANBUL SUMMIT, (27.11.2015),
  64. YILANCIOĞLU K., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., ULUCAN K., KARAHAN M., KONUK M., Classification of Schizophrenia patients by using multilayer perception neural network: A data mining approaches, 1st PHARMACOGENOMICS 16 İSTANBUL SUMMIT, (27.11.2015),
  65. TARHAN K. N., ÜNSALVER B. Ö., ERGÜZEL T. T., Engineering Approach in Neuroscience, Munich Neurophysiology Conference, Annual Meeting of ECNS,ISNIP and ISBET,, (09.09.2015),
  66. ÇEBİ M., TARHAN K. N., Gürvit , H. , Babacan , G. , Discrimination abilitiy of Short Test of Mental Status (STMS) compared to MMSE in the spectrum of normal cognition-MCI-AD: The Turkish standardization Study, Poster presented at 12th International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases, France, Nice, March, (01.01.2015),
  67. TARHAN K. N., 9th International Medical Hypnosis Conference, 9th International Medical Hypnosis Conference, Istanbul 2015, (01.01.2015),
  68. TAŞ C., ERYILMAZ G., AYAS H., GÜL I. G., TARHAN K. N., A Comparison of Schizophrenia with Schizo-obsessive Disorder: A VBM Study, Joint Annual Meeting ECNS, (29.08.2014),
  69. ERGÜZEL T. T., TARHAN K. N., Bayram A., Classification of Major Depressive Disorder Subjects using Pre-rTMS Electroencephalography Data with Support Vector Machine Approach, SAI, (27.06.2014), London
  70. ÇEBİ M., TAŞ C., AYAS H., TARHAN K. N., TAN O., Electrophysiological differences in EEG: A comparative study between unipolar and bipolar depression, 2. Eurasian Biological Psychiatry Congress, (05.06.2014), Bursa
  71. ÖZEKES S., TARHAN K. N., Bayram A., Classification of Major Depressive Disorder Subjects Using Pre-rTMS Electroencephalography Data with Support Vector Machine Approach, SAI Conference, London, (01.01.2014),
  72. ERGÜZEL T. T., TARHAN K. N., ÖZEKES S., Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Psychiatric Disorders, ECNS Conference, Halifax, 2014., (01.01.2014),
  73. ÖZTEN E., SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., O. Karamustafalıoğlu, Hypomanic shift observed during TMS treatment of patients with unipolar depressive disorder: Four Cases, CINP Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Medicine in Psychiatry, Jerusalem, (01.03.2013),
  74. Tarhan N., Cordance Calculations in Psychiatric Disorders, ECNS 9. Congress - Cordance Calculations in Psychiatric Disorders, (12.09.2012), Bristol Regional Medical Center, Bristol, TN USA
  75. TARHAN K. N., CANBOLAT F., ÖZİLHAN S., Sağlam. , E , Phenotype Compare With Conventional Therapeutic Doze Monitoring (tdm) at Psychiatric Patients, 1st Istanbul – Eurasian Regional Congress of Biological Psychiatry, (12.05.2012),
  76. SAYAR F. G. H., ÖZTEN E., KAĞAN G., TARHAN K. N., Emine S., Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation During Pregnancy, 1st Istanbul – Eurasian Regional Congress of Biological Psychiatry, (03.05.2012),
  77. TARHAN K. N., CANBOLAT F., ÖZİLHAN S., Sağlam. , E. , Phenotype-genotype and Conventional Therapeutic Doze Monitoring (tdm) Relationship: A Case Report, 1st Istanbul – Eurasian Regional Congress of Biological Psychiatry, (01.05.2012),
  78. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Salcini C., Bayram A., Kagan G., Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation In A Patient With Shizoaffective Disorder Manic Episode, 1 st Istanbul – Eurasian Regional Congress of Biological Psychiatry, (01.05.2012),
  79. SAYAR F. G. H., KAĞAN G., TARHAN K. N., ÖZİLHAN S., Therapeutic drug monitoring of risperidone in bipolar disorder: a case repor, 5th Biennial conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders, 14-17 March, İstanbul, (12.03.2012),
  80. TARHAN K. N., The Use of TDM and Phenotyping in Psychiatric Illnesses, 1st Istanbul – Eurasian Regional Congress of Biological Psychiatry, (01.01.2012),
  81. SAYAR F. G. H., ÜNSALVER B. Ö., TARHAN K. N., A. Bayram, Pre- rTMS EEG cordance as a treatment response predictor in depression, ECNS ISBET-ISNIP-EPIC Conference, Bristol, USA,, (01.01.2012),
  82. TARHAN K. N., ÜNSALVER B. Ö., SAYAR F. G. H., A. Bayram, Pre and post-rTMS EEG cordance in treatment resistant depression, . ECNS-ISBET ISNIP-EPIC Conference, Bristol, USA, (01.01.2012),
  83. ÖZTEN E., SAYAR F. G. H., KAĞAN G., DİLBAZ H. N., TARHAN K. N., E. Sağlam, An open label pharmacokinetics study of duloxetine in patients with major depression, Bulletin of clinical psychopharmacology, 22 (Suppl. 1): 42. PD Psikofarmakoloji Tedavi Güncellemesi Toplantısı, Antalya, Türkiye, (01.01.2012),
  84. DİLBAZ H. N., TARHAN K. N., Danişmant B., E. Sağlam, NaltexoneTherapeutic Drug Monitoring: A Case Series, Poster Presentation, Poster Bildiriler, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni, (01.01.2012),
  85. TARHAN K. N., Using Pre-treatment EEG Data to Predict Response to rTMS Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder, Symposium Abstract, 10th cWFSBP,01 June 2011, Prague, (01.06.2011),
  86. SAYAR F. G. H., KAĞAN G., TARHAN K. N., ÇENGEL S. M., Kılınç , E. , Danışmant BS., S N., Safety of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment resistant depression, WPA Thematic Conference: Rethinking Quality in Psychiatry: Education, Research, Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment, İstanbul, (01.01.2011),
  87. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Aydın S., Concomitant use of qEEG and rTMS in treatment of depressive disorder, new aproaches, 4th International Congress on Psychopharmacology, November, Antalya, (01.01.2011),
  88. TARHAN K. N., What is the best method of targeting TMS for depression? Novel rTMS depression treatment protocols, 4th International Congress on Psychopharmacology, November, Antalya, (01.01.2011),
  89. TARHAN K. N., The Correlates of Brain Function and Hypnosis,Brain, Hypnosis, and EMDR , Lecture, August,17, ESH, Europen Society of Hypnosis, Istanbu, (01.01.2011),
  90. TARHAN K. N., SAYAR F. G. H., The reliability, importance and benefit of QEEG within the principles of evidence based medicine; a clinical perspective, 1st Annual Joint Meeting of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS), the International Society for NeuroImaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP), the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography, (01.01.2010),
  91. TARHAN K. N., SAYAR F. G. H., KAĞAN G., ÇENGEL S. M., The experience of rTMS within methods of evidence based medicine, NPIstanbul database, 1st Annual Joint Meeting of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS), the International Society for NeuroImaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP) and the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography, (01.01.2010),
  92. TARHAN K. N., SAYAR F. G. H., The Use of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Psychiatric Illness, 1st Annual Joint Meeting of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS), the International Society for NeuroImaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP) and the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET, (01.01.2010),
  93. TARHAN K. N., SAYAR F. G. H., ARIKAN K., Nuhoğlu S., American Psychiatric Association, 6. Annual Joint Meeting of the ECNS and the International Society for NeuroImaging in Psychiatry, (01.01.2009),
  94. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Bayram A., Baran B., Awakenings II? A drug for insomnia, zolpidem, may induce an arousal in permanenet vegetative state patients, Cognitive IV symposium, (01.01.2008),
  95. TARHAN K. N., Introduction to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Course, American Psychiatric Association, (01.01.2008),
  96. TAN O., TARHAN K. N., Coban A., Baripoglu S., Guducu F., Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Psychiatric Disorders, 8th World Congress of Psychiatry,Vienna, published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, (01.01.2005),
  97. TARHAN K. N., TAN O., Coban A., Baripoglu S., Guducu F., Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) and EEG Changes in Patients with Treatment-ResistantDepression, 8th World Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna, published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, (01.01.2005),
  98. TAN O., TARHAN K. N., Coban A., Baripoglu S., Guducu F., Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Medication-Resistant Bipolar Depression, 6th Annual Conference of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS) and Joint Meeting with the International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP), California, (01.01.2004),
  99. TARHAN K. N., TAN O., Coban A., Baripoglu S., Guducu F., ‘Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Refractory Depression, 6th Annual Conference of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS) and Joint Meeting with the International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP), (01.01.2004),
  100. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M , Özöğretmen , H , Double-Blind Comparison of the Effects and Side-Effects of Amineptine and Mianserin in Depsession, 5 th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence, (09.06.1999),
  101. TARHAN K. N., Özçubukçuoğlu , A. , Özçubukçuoğlu , A. , Effectiveness and Tolerability of Cis (Z) - Clopentixol in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenics., X. World Congress of Psychiatry, (23.08.1996),
  102. TARHAN K. N., Özçubukçuoğlu , A , Çetin , M. , Başoğlu , C , Tosuner , C , Cöngevel , M , Effects and Side-Effects of Melperone in Treatment – Resistans Schizophrenia, X. World Congress of Psychiatry, (23.08.1996),
  103. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M. , Özçubukçuoğlu , A , Posttravmatic Stress Symptoms among Soldiers Exposed to Combat, X. World Congress of Psychiatry, (01.08.1996),
  104. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M , Özcan , A. , A Comparison of Effect an Side Effect of Fluvoxamine and Imipramine in Depression, Abstract Book of 29 th International Congress of Military Medical, (18.09.1993),
  105. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M. , Ceylan , M. , A Research on Psychological State of Pilots Wives, Abstract Book of 9 th World Congress of Psychiatry, (06.06.1993),
  106. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M. , Çetin , M. , The Effects of Hypnotherapy on Learning Performance, Abstract Book of 9th World Congress of Psychiatry, (06.06.1993),
  107. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M , Ceylan , E.: , Alternative and Treatment Strategy with Calcium Channel Blockers in Tourette’s Disorder, Abstract Book of 29 th Int. Congress, Mil. Med, (01.01.1993),
  108. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M. , Çetin , M. , Moclobemide Versus Placebo in the Treatment Major Depression: A Double-Blind Study. (, Abstract Book dg 29 th Int. Congress. Mil. Med, (01.01.1993),
  109. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M. , Özöğretmen , H , Commando Officers Wives Living Away From Their Husbands Assigned on Combat Fields, Abstract Book of 9th World congress of Psychiatry. Rio de Janerio, (01.01.1992),
  110. TARHAN K. N., Özkan , S , Çetin , M , Nogay , A , A Psychiatric and Psychosocial Assessment of Self mutilating Behaviour in a Controlled Study, Abstract Book of Destructive Drives and Impulse Control. 4 th International Symp, (12.09.1991),
  111. TARHAN K. N., Özil , İ , Ceylan , E , A. Comparative Study of Hormonal to ULD, ULND and BL ECT in patients with Acute Psychosis, World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence, (09.06.1991),
  112. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M. , Kilinç , C. , Gültepe , M , A Comparison of Trace Elements (Zn, Cu, Mg, Fe) Levels in the Hair Serum of Schizophreni and Controls, 5 the World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence,, (09.06.1991),
  113. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M. , Ceylan , E , A Double Blind Comparison of the Effects and Side-Effects of Amineptine and Trazodene in Depression., 5 th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence, (09.06.1991),
  114. TARHAN K. N., Ceylan , E. , Çetin , M.: , The relation of plasma calcium and phosphate levels with clinical psychosis and extrapyramidal symptomatolog before and after haloperidol treatment, Presented in 5 th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence., (01.01.1991),
  115. TARHAN K. N., Özkan , S , Nogay , A , Psychiatric and Psychosocial study of Selfmutilating patients, presented at the VIII. World Congress of Psychiatry, (12.10.1989),
  116. TARHAN K. N., Güven , S , Özkan , S , Searching Cognitive Correlates of Antisocial Personality By Test and CEEF Presented at the VIII., World Congress of Psychiatry October 12- 19 1989 Athens,, (12.10.1989),

7.4. International books or chapters

  1. Tarhan N., Metin B., Erguzel T., Çebi M., Ulker S. V., Farhad S., In-silico Applications in of EEG, (2024), ISBN: ‎ 9781482236859.
  2. ÜNAL A. T., TARHAN N., Multidisciplinary Approach for Better Understanding of Addictive Behaviour/ A multidisciplinary approach to social media addiction: A new look at Social Media Addiction in the context of White Bear Thought Suppression and Overuse, (2024), ISBN: 978-0-85014-508-3.
  3. Tarhan N., Ezber Bozan Hayat, (2023), ISBN: 978-6050-8466-45.
  4. Tarhan N., Dilbaz N., Shukurov B., Ergül C., Ulak G., Özdemir Y., Ergüzel T. T., Şen F. S., Schizophrenia - Recent Advances and Patient-Centered Treatment Perspectives, (2023), ISBN: 978-1-80355-406-8.
  5. Tarhan N., Konuk M., Karahan M., Ülküer N., Güder F. Z., Sayar G. H., Ayas H., Özcan Ö. Ö., Ayvaz S. Ö., New Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, (2022), ISBN: 978-1-83969-704-3.
  6. Tarhan N., Konuk M., Karahan M., Özcan Ö. Ö., Ayvaz S. Ö., Sayar F. G. H., Ülküer N., Ayas H., Güder F. Z., New Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, (2022), ISBN: 10.5772/intechopen.104098.
  7. TARHAN N., ÜNAL A. T., Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Medya Algısı, (2022), ISBN: 978-975-353-718-6.
  8. Tarhan N., Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Medya Algısına Giriş, (2022), ISBN: 978-975-353-718-6.
  9. Kesgin Y., Türkiye'de Kadına Yönelik Ayrımcılık Karşıtı Medya Politikaları: T24 Örneği, (2022), ISBN: 9879753537186.
  10. Tarhan K. N., Özdemir Ş., Ünal A. T., Şahbaz İ., Kurt A. S., Ünlü D., Uzun Ç., Kırış B. F., Çelik A. R., Alkış L., Keskin R., Okay İ., Hatipoğlu A., Çelikbaş B., Şen S., Güldal B., Büyük D. M., Parlak S. Ç., Ceylan D., Ayluçtarhan M., Çakan M., Akkoyun Ç. Ş., Doğan N., Çalışkan O. S., Tüter İ., Zümrüt N., Muradi P., Başeğmez A. C., Keskiner M., Meriç D. T., Aydın A., Ayyıldız Y., Arıkan M., Metaverse Dijital Oyun Psikolojisi, (2022), ISBN: 978-975-353-703-2.
  12. Tarhan N., BİLGELİK PSİKOLOJİSİ-1, (2022), ISBN: 978-605-08-4383-5.
  13. Tarhan N., BİLGELİK PSİKOLOJİSİ-2, (2022), ISBN: 978-605-08-4382-8.
  14. Tarhan N., Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımla Aile, Aile Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı "Gelenekten Modernizme Ailede Yeni Doğrular", (2021), ISBN: 978-605-80687-8-0.
  15. Tarhan N., A Journey From Mind To Heart Bediuzzaman’s Model, (2021), ISBN: 978-605-08-3808-4.
  16. Sayar H., Tarhan N., Köknel Ö., Çankırılı A., Babam ve Ben, (2021), ISBN: 978-605-08-3569-4.
  17. Tarhan N., BEDİUZZAMAN: THE CONSCİENCE OF THE AGE, (2021), ISBN: 978-605-08-4238-8.
  19. ÜNAL A. T., EKİNCİ Y., TARHAN N., Health Literacy and Cyberchondria, (2021), ISBN: 9781799886303.
  20. Tarhan N., CONSCIOUS YOUTH, (2019), ISBN: 978-605-08-3167-2.
  21. Tarhan N., CONSCIOUS FAMILY, (2019), ISBN: 978-605-08-3168-9.
  22. ERGÜZEL T. T., METİN B., SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Uyulan Ç., Moore N., A Preliminary Study of Seed Based Functional Connectivity Analysis for Classification of MDD and Healthy Subjects Using Graph Metrics, (2019), ISBN: 978-1-53616-525-8.
  23. ERGÜZEL T. T., TARHAN K. N., A Review on EEG controlled BCI: Deep Learning Approach, (2019), ISBN: 978-1-53616-495-4.
  24. Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment Response in Major Depressive Disorder, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-319-56990-1.
  25. Tarhan N., Zehra K. F., Çebi M., Ekmen Ş., Ergüzel T., S O., Ünsalver B., Taş C., EEG biomarkers in depression, (2017), ISBN: 978-148223686-6.
  26. TARHAN K. N., ÜNSALVER B. Ö., TAŞ C., ÇEBİ M., ERGÜZEL T. T., Neurophotonics and Brain Mapping, (2017), ISBN: 9781482236859.
  27. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Parasomnias, (2012), ISBN: ISBN 978-953-51-0293-9.
  28. Cifter I., Tarhan N., Akpınar S., Electroencephalographic Findings In Patients showing Psychopathic-Sociopathic Personality, Yearbook of International Psychiatry, (2009), ISBN: 978-1617610028.
  29. Tarhan N., Satanism: Its Nature, reasons for ıts Dissemination, and ways to prevent It. Ed: Lauisa Cunningham, Satanism and False Mystical Trends The Light Rutherford-New Jersey., (2004), ISBN: 1-932099-36-0.

7.5. Papers published in national peer-reviewed journals

  1. Tarhan N., Kadın Psikolojisi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Rol Kalıpları, Sakarya Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi, (2022), (), 1-18, .
  2. İbadi Y., Tarhan N., Aydoğdu M., Gökten E., Metin B., Low-frequency prefrontal cortex magnetic stimulation improves autism spectrum disorder symptoms: A pilot study, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2022), 1(10), 3-7, .
  3. Demir Z. G., Keskin R., Tarhan K. N., PERMA Modeline Göre Pozitif Psikoloji Eğitiminin İyi Oluş Üzerine Etkisi, Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (2022), (14), 1-12, .
  5. Tarhan N., Bir halk psikoterapisti Hz Mevlana, Yeni Meram, (2020), 2(), 76-80, .
  6. Tarhan N., İyiliklerin kapısını dürüstlük ve tevazu aralar, Katılım Finans, (2020), 4(21), 42-45, .
  7. Tarhan P. D. N., Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Ne Anlama Geliyor? / What Does Gender Equality Mean?, Gerçeğe Doğru Zafer, (2020), (Eylül 2020), 32-34, .
  8. Tarhan P. D. N., Ruh Sağlığını Belirleyen İki Duygu: Sevgi ve Güven / Duygulara Renk Verseydik Hangi Rengi Alırlardı? / Two Emotions Determining Mental Health: Love and Confidence - What Color Would They Get If We Versed Color to Emotions?, Gerçeğe Doğru Zafer, (2020), (Ağustos 2020), 44-47, .
  9. Tarhan N., Beyin Kapasitesinin Sırrı, Yeniliğe Açık Olmak, Platin, (2019), (), 82-85, .
  10. OKTAY E. Ö., KAMAN T., KARASAKAL Ö. F., ULUCAN K., KONUK M., TARHAN N., Alzheimer Hastalığı ile İlişkilendirilen APH1A Genindeki Zararlı SNP’lerin In Silico Yöntemler ile Belirlenmesi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, (2019), 23(2), 196-204, https://doi.org/10.19113/sdufenbed.522738.
  11. Bayram A., Tarhan N., Transkraniyal Manyetik Uyarım Cihazının Teknik Özellikleri ve Etki Mekanizması / Technical Features and Mechanism of Action of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Device, Türkiye Klinikleri Psikiyatri Özel Dergisi, (2017), 10(2), 72 - 78, .
  12. Tas C., Erensoy H., Ibadi Y., Brown E., Tarhan N., QEEG related changes following the treatment of anxiety disorders: Case series, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences, (2014), (), 9-13, .
  13. SAYAR F. G. H., ÖZTEN E., TARHAN K. N., Parasomniyalar / Parasomnias, NPAkademi, (2012), (1(2):), 36-42, .
  14. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Nurmedov S., Majör depresyonda elektroensefalografi ve serum ilaç düzeyi ilişkisi: Antidepresan tedaviye yanıtın yordanması / The relationship between electroencephalography and serum drug level in major depression: Predicting the response to antidepressant treatment, NP Akademi, (2012), (1(1)), 1-6, .
  15. OZTEN E., SAYAR G., DILBAZ N., KAGAN G., SAGLAM E., TARHAN N., Majör depresyonda duloksetinin tedavisel kan düzeyini etkileyen etkenler / Factors affecting therapeutic blood level of duloxetine in major depression, NP Akademi, (2012), (), 12-16, https://doi.org/10.5455/npakademi.20120202.
  16. SAYAR F. G. H., ÖZTEN E., TARHAN K. N., Transkraniyal doğru akım uyarımı: Bir gözden geçirme / ., Transcranial direct current stimulation: A Review, NPAkademi, (2012), (), 43-48, .
  17. SAYAR F. G. H., KAĞAN G., TARHAN K. N., ÇENGEL S. M., S. Nurmedov, Atipik antipsikotik kan düzeyi izleminin önemi Bir olgu sunumu / , Importance of atypical antipsychotic blood level monitoring: A case report, NP Akademi, (2011), (2), 19- 21, .
  18. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Kılınç 2., B. Bilgiç, Progresif supra nükleer palsi ile seyreden bir bipolar bozukluk tip 1 vakası / A case of bipolar disorder type 1 presenting with progressive supra nuclear palsy, NPAkademi, (2011), (2), 23-24, .
  19. SAYAR F. G. H., KAĞAN G., TARHAN K. N., ÇENGEL S. M., E. Kılınç, Klozapin kan düzeyi izlemi ve relaps. Retrospektif bir çalışma / Clozapine blood level monitoring and relapse. A retrospective study, NP Akademi, (2011), 2(), 5-7, .
  20. ÖZİLHAN S., TARHAN K. N., Özden T., Melikoğlu Ü., Şengül A. M., Psikofarmakolojide Yeni Açılımlar; Tedavisel ilaç Kan Düzeyi Ölçümü / New Expansions In Psychopharmacology; Therapeutic Medicine Blood Level Measurement, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni, (2009), 19(1), 37-41, .
  21. TARHAN K. N., Ceylan M. E., BURKOVİK Y., Akciğer Tüberkülozlu Hastalarda Kişilik Profilinde Görülen Değişikliklerin Değerlendirilmesi / Evaluation of Changes in Personality Profile in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Yeni Symposium, (1995), 33(1), 35-38, .
  22. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M , Ceylan , E , Fluoksetin ve Plasebonun Depresyon Tedavisinde Etki ve Yan Etkilerinin Çift-Kör Karşılaştırılması / Double-Blind Comparison of the Effects and Side Effects of Fluoxetine and Placebo in the Treatment of Depression, Gata Bülteni, (1993), (), 1993, .
  23. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M , Depresyonda Biyolojik Göstergeler, Depresyon Monografları Serisi / Biological Indicators in Depression, Depression Monographs Series, Hekimler Yayın Birliği, (1993), (), 1993, .
  24. TARHAN K. N., Depresyonun Psikoendokrinolojisi Depresyon Monografları Serisi / Psychoendocrinology of Depression, Depression Monographs Series, Hekimler Yayın Birliği, (1993), (), 1993, .
  25. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M , Ceylan , E , Şizofrenlerin Saç ve Serumlarındaki eser elementlerin kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırılması / Comparison of trace elements in the hair and serum of schizophrenics with the control group, Yeni Symposium, (1991), (), 3, .
  26. TARHAN K. N., E. C., Çetin , M. , Akut Psikozlarda Ünilateral Dominant ve Bilateral EKT nin Prolaktin üzerine Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılması / Comparison of the Effects of Unilateral Dominant and Bilateral ECT on Prolactin in Acute Psychosis, Klinik Psikofarmokoloji Bülteni, (1991), (), 17-22, .
  27. TARHAN K. N., Ceylan , E. , Çetin , M. , A N., Majör Depresyonda Tedaviye Cevabın Biyokimyasal Parametrelerle Önceden Görülmesi ve Maprotilin - Fluoxetin Uygulamaları / Predicting the Response to Treatment in Major Depression with Biochemical Parameters and Maprotiline - Fluoxetine Applications, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni, (1991), (), 3, .
  28. TARHAN K. N., M. Ç., Ceylan , E. , Mental Retarde Kişilerde Normallerin Serum ve Saç Örneklerindi Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması / Comparison of Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu Levels of Normals in Serum and Hair Samples in Mentally Retarded Persons, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni, (1991), (), 3, .
  29. TARHAN K. N., Kriz Müdahalesi Literatür Sayı 78, Psikiyatri Eki / Crisis Intervention Literature Issue 78, Psychiatry Adding, Kriz Müdahalesi Literatür Sayı 78, Psikiyatri Eki, (1991), (), 9-10, .
  30. TARHAN K. N., 14. Günay , Y , Stres ve Anksiyete ile TME Rahatsızlıkları Arasındaki İlişki(I) / The Relationship Between Stress and Anxiety and TMJ Disorders (1), İ.Ü. Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, (1991), (2), 19-24, .
  31. TARHAN K. N., Kayacan , B , Burkovik , Y , Konversiyon Bozukluğu Gösterenlerin Zeka Kişilik Bazı Klinik Özellikleri Yönünden Karşılaştırılarak İncelenmesi / , A Comparison of People with Conversion Disorder in terms of Some Clinical Features of Intelligence and Personality, GATA Bülteni, (1991), (33), 175-186, .
  32. TARHAN K. N., Kayacan , B , Burkovik , Y , Konversiyon Bozukluğu Gösterenlerde Psikoloji ve Demografik Bir Araştırma / Psychology and a Demographic Study in People with Conversion Disorder, GATA Bülteni, (1991), 33(), 36-374, .
  33. TARHAN K. N., Çetin , M , Ceylan , E , Özöğretmen , H , Parkinsonlularda ruhsal bozuklukların araştırılması ve çeşitli antiparkinsonyan ilaçlarla tedaviye yanıtlarının karşılaştırılması / Investigation of mental disorders in people with Parkinson's and comparison of their response to the treatment with various, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni, (1991), (), 1:2, .
  34. TARHAN K. N., Günay , Y , Stres ve anksiyete ile TME Rahatsızlar Arasındaki İlişki (II) / The Relationship Between Stress and Anxiety and TMJ Disorders (II), Yeni Symposium, (1991), 29(2), 19-24, .
  35. TARHAN K. N., Kendi Stresini Yenmede Tedavi Edici ve Koruyucu Teknikler / Therapeutic and Protective Techniques to Overcome Self Stress, Gri Ajans, (1990), (), 85-100, .
  36. TARHAN K. N., Ak İ., M Ç., “Depresyon Tedavisinde Amineptin ile Amitiriptilin’in etki ve yan etkilerinin çift kör karşılaştırması / Double-Blind Comparison of Effects and Side Effects of Amineptine and Amitriptyline in the Treatment of Depression, Yeni Symposium, (1990), (), 15- 27, .
  37. TARHAN K. N., M. Ç., E. C., Özöğretmen , H. , Saygılı. , Mianserin ve Amineptin in Depresyonda Tedavi Etkinlikleri ve Yan Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılması / Comparison of Mianserin and Amineptine Treatment Efficacy and Side Effects in Depression, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni, (1990), (), 41-46, .
  38. TARHAN K. N., Çetin M., E C., Nöroleptik Trisiklik Antidepresan ve Lityum Kullanan Affektik Hastaların Saç ve Serumlarındaki Zn, Mg, Fe, Cu Değerlerinin İlaç Kullanmayan Affektif Hastalar ve Normallerle Karşılaştırılması / Comparison of Zn, Mg, Fe, Cu Values in Hair and Serum of Affe, Bursa Devlet Hastanesi Tıp Bülteni, (1990), (), 277 284, .
  39. TARHAN K. N., Özkan , S. , Özil , GillesDeTourette bozukluğunda Ca antagonistlerin tedavi etkinliği / Treatment efficacy of Ca antagonists in Gilles de la Tourette disorder, Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi, (1989), (), 1(4),61-71, .
  40. TARHAN K. N., Filiz E., Lokman S., Aydın S., Askeri Populasyonda Oral Yol İle Yabancı Cisim Yutan Olguların Analizi / Analysis of Cases That Ingest Foreign Bodies by Oral Way in Military Population, Adli Tıp Dergisi, (1989), (), 171- 177, .
  41. TARHAN K. N., Çifter , İ , Psikopatik Sosyopatik Kişilik Özelliği Gösteren Elektroensefalografik Bulgular / Electroencephalographic Findings with Psychopathic Sociopathic Personality Trait, GATA Bülteni, (1983), (), 25:749 756, .
  42. TARHAN K. N., Çifter İ., Parafreni (orijinal olgu) / Paraphrenia (original case), GATA Bulletin, (1982), (), 773-778, .

7.6. Assertions presented in national scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

  1. Tarhan N., ergüzel T., örobilimde Büyük Veri ve Nöropsikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Yapay Zeka Uygulaması: NP Model Örneği, 2. Nörobilim ve Teknolojileri Kongresi, (20.05.2024), İstanbul-Türkiye
  2. Tarhan N., Beki N., Öngören R., Açıkgenç A., Ehl-i Beyt Muhabbeti, Nebevî Ahlak Sempozyumu, (08.05.2024), İstanbul-Türkiye
  3. Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Explainable AI and its Applications to Neuroimaging Data, SBMT, (15.03.2024), Los Angeles - ABD
  4. , Yaratılışın Sırrı: Akıllı Tasarım, YARATILIŞ KONGRESİ - BİTLİS, (20.10.2023), Bitlis
  5. , Aile, Avrupa’da aile yapısı, Hollanda - Anatolia Festijn (Anadolu Festivali), (16.06.2023), Hollanda
  6. YÜKSEL İ., BOZKURT İ., GÖZLER T., IŞIK S., ULUCAN K., TARHAN N., Determination of genotype-phenotype relationship in individuals with schizophrenia, Basic Clinical and Multimodal Imaging (BaCI) 2023 Conference, (09.05.2023), İstanbul-türkiye
  7. , Bağımlılık tedavisinde pozitif psikoterapi uygulamaları, 13. Ulusal Alkol ve Madde Bağımlılığı Kongresi, (16.12.2022), ANTALYA
  8. , Psikiyatride Kişiye Özel Tedaviler, 7. Psikiyatri Zirvesi & 14. Anksiyete Kongresi, (06.11.2022), KIBRIS
  9. Ergüzel T., Tarhan N., Deep Learning Approaches to Evaluate Sex Differences in Response to Neuromodulation in Major Depressive Disorder, G20, (12.10.2022), Roma
  11. YERGİN Z. S., KARABATAK S., TAŞ D., GÖZLER İ. Y., GÖZLER T., ULUCAN K., TARHAN N., NÖROPSİKİYATRİK HASTALIKLARDA CYP2C19 *1 (n/a), *2 (rs4244285), *3 (rs4986893), *4 (rs28399504), *5 (rs56337013), *6 (rs72552267), *7 (rs72558186), *8 (rs41291556), *9 (rs17884712), *10 (rs6413438), *17 (rs12248560) POLİMORFİZMLERİNİN BELİRLENMESİ, 1. Ulusal Tıp Öğrencileri Kongresi, (28.05.2022), İstanbul-Türkiye
  12. DEMİREL S. N., YILDIRIM A., DANNAN M. A., ASMAR A., GHANİM B. Y. O., GÖZLER İ. Y., GÖZLER T., ULUCAN K., NÖROPSİKİYATRİK HASTALIKLARDA CYP2D6*2 (rs16947), *3 (rs35742686), *4 (rs3892097), *6 (rs5030655), *7 (rs5030867), *8 (rs5030865-1), *9 (rs5030656), *10 (rs1065852), *12 (rs5030862), *14 (rs5030865-2), *17 (rs28371706), *41 (rs28371725) POLİMORFİZMLERİNİN, 1. Ulusal Tıp Öğrencileri Kongresi, (28.05.2022), 2022-05-28
  13. , Dijital Çağda Aile, Aile vakfı - Aile Sempozyumu, (14.05.2022), İSTANBUL
  14. , Nöromodülasyon Tedavisinde “Theta Burst”, İnteraktif Psikiyatri Kongresi (İPEK), (25.03.2022), ANTALYA
  15. , Kadın Psikolojisi, AZERBAYCAN Bakü Binegedi Gençler Evi - Online Konferans, (04.03.2022), AZERBAYCAN
  16. , Hesaplamalı psikiyatri, İnteraktif Psikiyatri Eğitimi Kongresi (İPEK 2021), (22.10.2021), İSTANBUL
  17. , Entropy: A Promising EEG Biomarker for Classifier Model Development of Opioid Use Disorder ​, SBMT, (11.07.2021), Los Angeles
  18. , Hayvan sevgisi ve psikolojik kazanımlar, Turkiye’ nin ilk Evcil Hayvan Zirvesi - Türk Kültüründe Hayvan - Streamyard ONLINE, (24.03.2021), İstanbul
  19. Erguzel T. T., Tarhan N., Development of LSTM&CNN Based Hybrid Deep Learning Model to Classify Motor Imagery Tasks, The 4th International Conference on Current Trend In The Middle East, (18.03.2021), Malaysia
  20. , İLİMLERE BÜTÜNCÜL BAKIŞ, RİNAP Zoom üzerinden, (22.02.2021), İSTANBUL
  21. , Son zamanlarda kadına yönelik artan şiddet, SORULARLA İSLAMİYET ve İNSAN TOPLUM VE MEDENİYET KONFEDERASYONU, (05.02.2021), İSTANBUL
  22. Bozkurt İ., Tanrıdağ O., Sercan C., Gözler T., Ulucan K., K.Nevzat Tarhan, Geç-Yaş Alzheimer Hastalığı Tanısı Almış Türk Hastalarda APOE Genotiplemesi, Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi, (18.12.2020), online kongre
  23. , Aile ve Yalnızlık, 2.Uluslararası Yalnızlık Sempozyumu ve İnsan Hakları ve Eşitlik Dersi - Yalnızlık ve Pandemi, (04.12.2020), İstanbul
  24. , Ortam psikolojisi ve Sağlık Çalışanlarının durumu, 9. Sağlık Zirvesi Online, (08.10.2020), İstanbul
  25. , Nevzat Tarhan'ın kitapları, Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Youtube çekimi, (03.10.2020), İstanbul
  26. SAYAR F. G. H., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., Tedaviye Dirençli Depresyonda Kronotipin rTMS Tedavisine Cevap ile İlişkisi, Multidisipliner Nörodejenerasyon Kongresi, (13.03.2020),
  27. TARHAN K. N., Dijital Çağda Ebeveyn Olmak, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi ve İstanbul Bilim Koleji Konferans, (15.02.2020),
  28. TARHAN K. N., Yaratılış Bilimsel Bir Kategori midir?, III.Uluslararası Bilimler Işığında Yaradılış Kongresi - IĞDIR, (25.10.2019),
  29. TARHAN K. N., Hesaplamalı Psikiyatri, 55. Ulusal Psikiyatri Kongresi, (24.10.2019),
  30. TARHAN K. N., Liderlik Psikolojisi, 1. Uluslararası / 3. Ulusal Bütüncül Psikoterapi Kongre, (20.09.2019),
  31. TARHAN K. N., X,Y,Z Kuşağı ve İletişimde Zorluklar, İbn-i Sina (Avicenna) 4. Ulusal Tıp Öğrenci Kongresi, (27.04.2019),
  32. TARHAN K. N., Mevlana ve Mesnevi Terapide Sağlıklı ve Mutlu Evlilik Yaşantısının Şifreleri, CİSED 4. Ulusal Cinsel Sağlık Kongresi, (20.04.2019),
  33. ÜNÜBOL H., SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Sigarayı Kimler İçebilir, Kimler Bırakabilir? Türkiyede Sigara Kullanımının Epidemiyolojisi ve Bırakabilme ile ilişkili Psikolojik Etmenler, 23. TPD Yıllık Toplantısı ve Klinik Eğitim Sempozyumu, (13.04.2019),
  34. KONUK M., TARHAN K. N., ULUCAN K., Psikiyatride Farmakogenetik Uygulamalrı, 17. Sinir Bilim Kongresi, (06.04.2019),
  35. TARHAN K. N., Değerler Psikolojisi-Güzel İnsan Modeli, Viyana, GesAB Enstitü, (18.01.2019),
  38. DEMİRER M., TARHAN K. N., Kozma R., Search for new stratified psychiatry from smooth mixing information flows in scalp EEG fields., International Pharmaco-EEG Society, (21.11.2018),
  39. ÇATAL T., TARHAN K. N., ÖZDEMİR M., ÖZİLHAN S., ATALAY V. E., Yavaşer H. B. S., Uzay Araştırmalarında Mikrobiyal Yakıt Hücre Teknolojisi, 2. ASTROBİYOLOJİ KONFERANSI ODTÜ, (17.11.2018),
  40. TARHAN K. N., Sinir Bilimden Din Bilimine, ERZURUM / II. Uluslararası Bilimler Işığında Yaratılış Kongresi, (08.11.2018),
  42. TARHAN K. N., Precisine Medicine in Psychiatry: From TDM to Pharmacogenetic, 3rd Psychiatry Summit and 10th National Anxiety Congress, (15.03.2018),
  43. ERENSOY H., Sargin A. E., TARHAN K. N., Şiddetle ve Tedaviye Dirençli Depresyonda Seri Ketamin infüzyon tedavisi, Vaka sunumu, 21.TPD Yıllık Eğitim Toplantısı ve Klinik Eğitim Sempozyumu, (16.04.2017),
  44. Tarhan N., Eğitim Politikası olarak öğrenme öğretme modellerinde psikolojik etkenler, Doğru Beyin Eğitimi, Yeni Yaklaşımlar, AB sürecinde Eğitimde Reform İhtiyacı, (03.10.2004), Ankara
  45. TARHAN K. N., Çetin M., Karaca , U , Abstract Book of 9th World Congress of Psychiatry, Prevalance of Alcohol Usage: An Epidemiological study on 2300 Subjects, (06.06.1993),
  46. TARHAN K. N., Karaca , U. , Dokur , M , Çetin , M. , Karaca, U, Abstract Book of 9th world Congress of Psychiatry, (06.06.1993),
  47. TARHAN K. N., Karaca , U , Demet , M. , Comparing Alcohol User and Nonuser Groups and Attitutes Related to Alcahol of Persons, Abstract Book of 9 th World Congress of Psychiatry, (06.06.1993),
  48. TARHAN K. N., Aydilek , R , Çetin , M. , Hypnotherapy in the Patienst with Bronchial Asthma: A Controlled trial, Abstract Book of 9th World Congress of Psychiatry, (06.06.1993),
  49. TARHAN K. N., Aydilek , R , Çetin , M. , Hypnotherapy in the Patienst with Bronchial Asthma: A Controlled trial, Abstract Book of 9th World Congress of Psychiatry, (06.06.1993),
  50. TARHAN K. N., Mete , Z. , Aggression in Childhood because of an Event., Innovations in Psychopharmacology, Symposium of Aggression and Destructive Impulses, (01.01.1992),

7.7. Other publications

Books published by national publishers

  1. Sayar G. H., Ünübol H., Tarhan N., COVID-19: KORKULAR, KAYGILAR, OLGUNLAŞMA, (2020), ISBN: 978-605-9596-32-9.
  2. TARHAN K. N., Hz. Mevlana ile Aile Terapisi, (2019), ISBN: 978-605-08-2989-1.
  3. TARHAN K. N., Mesnevi Terapi, (2018), ISBN: 978-605-08-0271-9.
  4. TARHAN K. N., Faith in the Laboratory - İnanç Psikolojisi, (2018), ISBN: 605-082-8771.
  5. TARHAN K. N., Aile Okulu ve Evlilik, (2017), ISBN: 978-605-08-2526-8.
  6. TARHAN K. N., Anne Darbe Ne Demek & Darbe Psikolojisi, (2017), ISBN: 978-605-08-2506-0.
  7. TARHAN K. N., Toplum Psikolojisi ve Empati – Sosyal Şizofreniden Toplumsal Empatiye, (2017), ISBN: 978-605-08-2500-8.
  8. TARHAN K. N., Mutluluk Psikolojisi ve Stresle Başa Çıkma, (2016), ISBN: 978-605-08-2383-7.
  9. TARHAN K. N., Mutlu Evlilik Psikolojisi, (2016), ISBN: 978-605-08-2291-5.
  10. TARHAN K. N., Duyguların Psikolojisi ve Duygusal Zekâ, (2016), ISBN: 978-605-08-2369-1.
  11. TARHAN K. N., 10 Adımda Pozitif Psikoloji, (2016), ISBN: 978-605-08-2261-8.
  12. TARHAN K. N., Bilinçli Genç Olmak – Var mı Beni Anlamak İsteyen ?, (2015), ISBN: 978-605-08-1904-5.
  13. TARHAN K. N., Aşk Terapi, (2014), ISBN: 978-605-08-1409-5.
  14. TARHAN K. N., Bilinçli Aile Olmak, (2014), ISBN: 978-605-08-1801-7.
  15. TARHAN K. N., Yunus Terapi, (2013), ISBN: 978-605-08-0906-0.
  16. TARHAN K. N., Bediüzzaman, Çağın Vicdanı, (2012), ISBN: 605-131-1098.
  17. TARHAN K. N., Sen, Ben, ve Çocuklarımız, (2012), ISBN: 978-605-08-0130-9.
  18. TARHAN K. N., Akıldan Kalbe Yolculuk, Bediüzzaman Modeli, (2012), ISBN: 605-1311-708.
  19. TARHAN K. N., Pozitif Psikoloji – Çoklu Zekâ Uygulamaları, (2012), ISBN: 605-080-7684.
  20. TARHAN K. N., Makul Çözüm: Aile İçi İletişim Rehberi, (2012), ISBN: 10085947.
  21. TARHAN K. N., Bağımlılık – Sanal veya Gerçek Bağımlılıkla Başa Çıkma, (2011), ISBN: 978-605-11-4423-8.
  22. TARHAN K. N., Değerler Psikolojisi ve İnsan, Güzel İnsan Modeli, (2011), ISBN: 978-605-08-2117-8.
  23. TARHAN K. N., Son Sığınak Aile, (2010), ISBN: 978-975-26-9876-5.
  24. TARHAN K. N., Asimetrik Savaş & Politik Psikoloji, (2010), ISBN: 605-114-1862.
  25. TARHAN K. N., İnanç Psikolojisi ve Bilim – Ruh, Beyin ve Akıl Üçgeninde İnsanoğlu, (2009), ISBN: 978-975-26-3865-5.
  26. TARHAN K. N., Hayata Dair, (2007), ISBN: 994-482-0974.
  27. TARHAN K. N., Kadın Psikolojisi, (2005), ISBN: 979-975-26-9073-7.
  28. TARHAN K. N., Kendinizle Barışık Olmak - Duyguların Eğitimi, (2004), ISBN: 978-975-26-3103-8.
  29. TARHAN K. N., Psikolojik Savaş, Gri Propaganda, (2003), ISBN: 978-975-36-2729-0.
  30. TARHAN K. N., Kendinizle Barışık Olmak – Psikiyatri Penceresinden İnsan ve Toplum, (2001), ISBN: 975-776-2108.
  31. TARHAN K. N., Balcıoğlu İ., Biyolojik, Sosyolojik, Psikolojik Açıdan Şiddet / Violonce with Biological, Sociological, Psychological Aspects, (2000), ISBN: 975-411-258-0.
  32. Tarhan N., Sertralin Monografı - Pfizer, (1991), ISBN: -.
  33. TARHAN K. N., Stres ve Hastalıklar, (1989), ISBN: İstanbul.
  34. TARHAN K. N., Kan ve Dolaşım, (1982), ISBN: -.

Book chapters published by national publishers

  1. Tarhan N., Evren Bir Simülasyon mu? Metaverse Ekosistemine Giriş, (2023), ISBN: 9789753537445.
  2. Tarhan N., Şiddetin Psikososyopolitik Boyutu, (2021), ISBN: 978-975-19-6281-2.
  3. Özdoğan B., Sayar G. H., Tarhan N., Travmayı Anlamak/1.Travma Kongresi Konuşmaları, (2020), ISBN: 1111.
  4. Tarhan N., Küresel Salgın Sonrası İnsan İlişkileri : Yeni Dünyada Yeni Doğrular / Human Relations after the Global Pandemic: New Truths in the New World, (2020), ISBN: 978-605-2249-46-8.
  5. Tarhan N., Entropi Kanunu, Maddenin Ezeli Olmadığını Gösteriyor / The Law of Entropy Shows That Matter Is Not Eternal, (2019), ISBN: 978-605-84451-0-9.
  6. Tarhan N., MANTIĞA DAYALI AKIL YÜRÜTME YÖNTEMLERİNİN YERİ / The Address Of Logic-Based Reasoning Methods, (2019), ISBN: 978-605-84451-0-9.
  7. Tarhan N., AİLE FORUMU - 4 İYİLİK EKSENİNDE AİLE / FAMILY FORUM - FAMILY ON THE 4-GOOD AXIS, (2019), ISBN: 798-605-7730-49-7.
  8. Tarhan N., Din Bilim İlişkisi - Nöroteoloji, Sinir Bilimden Din Bilimine / The Relationship between Science and Religion - Neurotheology, From Neuroscience to Science of Religion, (2019), ISBN: 978-605-84451-0-9.
  9. Sayar GH., Tarhan N., Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Transkranial Stimülasyon Teknikleri, Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi / Transcranial Stimulation Techniques in Psychiatric Diseases, Surgical Anatomy of Function, (2018), ISBN: -.
  10. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Psikiyatride Nöromodülasyon Teknikleri - Temel ve Klinik Psikiyatri / Neuromodulation Techniques in Psychiatry - Basic and Clinical Psychiatry, (2018), ISBN: 9789752777033.
  11. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., Psikiyatride Transkranial Manyetik Uyarım Tedavisi Kullanımı - fonksiyonun cerrahi anatomisi / Transcranial Stimulation Techniques in Psychiatric Diseases, Surgical Anatomy of Function, (2018), ISBN: 978-605-9358-50-7.
  12. Tarhan N., Bilimler Işığında Yaradılış - Evrimsel Psikoloji Bakışı ile Yaratılış / The Creation in the Light of Sciences – The Creation from the Perspective of Evolutionary Psychology, (2017), ISBN: -.
  13. Tarhan N., Balcıoğlu İ., Şiddet (Biyopsikososyal Yönleri ile) / Violence (With Biopsychosocial Aspects), (1998), ISBN: -.
  14. TARHAN K. N., Psikofarmakoloji’de Yenilikler - Sempozyum Kitabı - GATA - Haydarpaşa Yayınları / Innovations in Psychopharmacology - Symposium Book, (1991), ISBN: 1.

8. Projects

  1. KONUK M., KARAHAN M., Özcan Ö. Ö., ÖZ P., TARHAN K. N., BAP projesi, Nöropsikiyatrik ilaçlarda plazma kan düzeyi ölçerek kişiye özel tedavi konusunda yeni parametre oluşturulması ve sonuçların prognostik biyogösterge olarak kullanımı, (Consultant), (Expire date :10.06.2026),
  3. ÇİFTÇİ E., TARHAN K. N., ERGÜZEL T. T., METİN B., Avrupa Birliği Projesi, Developing Al ecosystems improving diagnosis and care of mental diseases - DAISY, (Consultant), (Expire date :20.03.2026),
  4. KONUK M., KARAHAN M., ÖZ P., Özcan Ö. Ö., TARHAN K. N., BAP projesi, Nöropsikiyatrik İlaçlarda plazma kan Düzeyi Ölçerek Kişiye Özel Tedavi Konusunda Yeni Parametre Oluşturulması ve Sonuçların prognostik Biyogösterge Olarak Kullanımı, (Consultant), (Expire date :10.12.2026),
  5. ÖZ P., TARHAN K. N., BAP projesi, “Tıbbı Biyokimya Laboratuvar Verilerinin Değerlendirilmesi ve TDM Veri Tabanının Oluşturulması”, (Consultant), (Expire date :01.05.2025),
  6. TARHAN K. N., METİN B., TAŞTAN C., ULUCAN K., KONUK M., IŞIK S., Emmanouil P., Georgios A., Lesch O., Walter a. H., - , Diğer Uluslararası Kuruluşlar (World Bank, WHO, FAO, Yurt Dışı Üniversiteler vb.), Genotypical Analysis Project on personalized treatment for psychosis and for dependence on alcohol and other psychotropic substances., (Head), (Expire date :30.06.2025),
  7. TARHAN K. N., METİN B., ERGÜZEL T. T., TÜBİTAK, Basic Clinical and Multimodal Imaging (BaCI) Conference / Tubitak - 2223C, (Head), (Expire date :07.09.2023),
  8. TURAN F., BARIŞ İ., TARHAN K. N., YAŞAR N., Diğer Uluslararası Kuruluşlar (World Bank, WHO, FAO, Yurt Dışı Üniversiteler vb.), Gönüllülük Elçileri-Sessiz İyilikler Platformu, (Consultant), (Expire date :23.06.2023),
  9. TURAN F., BARIŞ İ., TARHAN K. N., YAŞAR N., Diğer Ulusal Kamu Kuruluşları , Gönüllülük Elçileri-Sessiz İyilikler Platformu, (Consultant), (Expire date :31.07.2023),
  10. TARHAN K. N., BOZKURT İ., ULUCAN K., Çiftçi E., Gözler T., Gözler İ. Y., Sağlam N., KONUK M., BAP projesi, Nöropsikiyatrik Hastalıklardan Olan Otizm ve Bipolar Bozukluk’ta genotip- fenotip ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi, (Head), (Expire date :25.04.2024),
  11. KONUK M., AYRAL G., TARHAN K. N., BAP projesi, HEDEF ARKADAŞLIĞI PROJESİ, (Consultant), (Expire date :02.12.2024),
  12. SAYAR F. G. H., ÜNÜBOL H., BARİPOĞLU S., YAŞAR N., TARHAN K. N., Diğer Ulusal Kamu Kuruluşları , Biz Geleceğiz, (Consultant), (Expire date :06.06.2022),
  13. ÜNAL A. T., Gür F., TARHAN K. N., Karaman H., , Değişim Benden Başlar, (Consultant), (Expire date :31.05.2022),
  14. TARHAN K. N., YAŞAR N., ERGÜZEL T. T., Diğer Ulusal Kamu Kuruluşları , Medeniyet Coğrafyamızda Gelecek İçin Birlik Çalışması Projesi, (Head), (Expire date :18.08.2021),
  15. BOZKURT İ., DOĞAN C. S., ULUCAN K., BARİPOĞLU S., TARHAN K. N., BAP projesi, Nöropsikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Genotip- Fenotip İlişkisinin Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Genotype - Phenotype Relationship in Neuropsychiatric Diseases), (Consultant), (Expire date :02.02.2022),
  16. SAYAR F. G. H., ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., Diğer Ulusal Kamu Kuruluşları , Türkiye Koronafobi Haritası ve Salgınla İlişkili Duygular Araştırması, (Consultant), (Expire date :25.05.2020),
  17. SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., BAP projesi, Türkiye Koronafobi Haritası, Korkular, Kaygılar, olgunlaşma (Map of Coronaphobia in Turkey, Fears, Anxieties, Maturation), (Consultant), (Expire date :02.06.2020),
  18. ARIBOĞAN D. Ü., SAYAR F. G. H., TARHAN K. N., BAP projesi, İstanbul Politik Psikolojik Güvendelik Çalışması (Istanbul Political Psychological Security Study), (Consultant), (Expire date :06.10.2019), -
  19. ŞEKLİ A., TARHAN K. N., YOK , Diğer Ulusal Kamu Kuruluşları , GENÇLERLE İYİ OLUŞA DOĞRU, (Consultant), (Expire date :15.03.2019), 18014
  20. ÜNÜBOL H., TARHAN K. N., Kalkınma Ajansı Destekleri, Ulusal Yetenek ve Mentör Ağı (National R&D projects supported by Development Agency), (Consultant), (Expire date :14.01.2018), TR10/16/ÇGE/0159
  21. TAŞ C., İşiten N., TARHAN K. N., Bakanlıklar, YENGEÇ Bireysel Rehabilitasyon Modeli (YENGEÇ Individual Rehabilitation Model - Ministry of Family and Social Policies), (Consultant), (Expire date :22.07.2015), -
  22. TARHAN K. N., BAP projesi, Aileler Üniversitede - Ailede Koruma ve Önleme projesi (Families at University - Protection and Prevention in Family project), (Head), (Expire date :13.05.2014),

9. Administrative Duties

  1. Yönetim / Management - Yönetim Üst Kurulu Başkanı / President (2019-Continues)
  2. Yönetim / Management - Rektör / Rector (2011-2019)
  3. Yönetim / Management - NP İstanbul Beyin Hastanesi Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı / The Chair of the Board of Directors of NP Brain Hospital (2006-Continues)
  4. Direktör / Director - NP Etiler Klinik Direktör / Clinic Director (2009-Continues)
  5. Direktör / Director - NP Feneryolu Klinik Direktör / Clinic Director (1998-Continues)
  6. Ü.Ü. Basılı ve Çevrimiçi Süreli Yayın Editörlüğü (Editor in Chief ) - Uluslararası Yayınevi Tarafından Basılan Süreli Yayında Editörlük (2014-Continues)
  7. Çalışma Grubu Koordinatörlüğü / Coordinator of Research Group - NPNörogenetik Çalışma Grubu / NP Neurogenetic Research Group (2012-Continues)
  8. Çalışma Grubu Koordinatörlüğü / Coordinator of Research Group - Pozitif Psikoloji Grubu / Group of Positive Psychiology (2012-Continues)

10. Scientific Memberships

  1. New Symposium Editorial Board Member(2020)
  2. Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology - Editorial Board Member(2018)
  3. SSTB International Refereed Academic Journal of Sports, Health and Medical Sciences - Editorial Board Member(2018)
  4. AIMS Neuroscience - Editorial Board Member(2018)
  5. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi - Danışma Kurulu Üyesi(2018)
  6. American Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience - Editorial Board Member(2018)
  7. ASSAM International Refereed Journal - Editorial Board Member(2018)
  8. Journal of Current Addiction Research - Editor(2018)
  9. European Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) - Member(2018)
  10. Turkish American Neuropsychiatry Association (TANPA)-President(2017)
  11. International Society For Neurofeedback &Research (ISNR) - Member(2016)
  12. Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics (SBMT) - Board Member(2015)
  13. Executive Board EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS) - Member(2015)
  14. The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences-Editör(2014)
  15. Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) - Member(2013)
  16. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi - Danışma Kurulu Üyesi / Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry - Advisory Board Member(2010)
  17. International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) - Member(2009)
  18. PsikoHayat Dergisi - Danışma Kurulu Üyesi / PsychoLife - Advisory Board Member(2009)
  19. American Psychiatric Association (APA) - Üye(2005)
  20. International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP) - Member(2005)
  21. New York Academia Psychiatry Foundation - Member(2001)
  22. New York Academy of Science - Member(1997)

11. Awards

  1. SBMT - N20, Global Neuroscience Leaders Ödülü, (2023)
  2. Book Culture Art Times Dergisi, "Bilgelik Psikolojisi" kitabıyla, Altın Kalem Ödülleri kapsamında psikoloji kategorisinde “Altın Yazar” ödülü / Türkiye, (2023)
  3. Indonesian Neurosurgical Society, Terapi Rumi ve İnanç Psikolojisi Kitapları Bestseller Ödülü / Endonezya, (2022)
  4. APA - American Psychiatric Association, APA 2020 virtual Conference - Course of The Month of 2020-Computational Psychiatry & Future Perspectives / ABD, (2020)
  5. Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics, 2019 Golden Axon Liderlik Ödülü - Golden Axon Leadership Award / ABD, (2019)
  6. İstanbul Üniversitesi Öğrenci Konseyi / Istanbul University Students’ Council, Yılın Yazarı - Author of the Year / Türkiye, (2019)
  7. Dünya Kardeşlik Birliği Mevlana Yüce Vakfı / World Brotherhood Union Mawlana Supreme Foundation, Evrensel Kardeşlikten Dünya Barışına Çağrı - Call for World Peace from Universal Brotherhood / Türkiye, (2017)
  8. Sağlık Gönüllüleri Türkiye ve Hospital Manager Dergisi / Health Volunteers and Turkey Hospital Manager Magazine, Sağlıkta Sosyal Sorumluluk Ödülü - Social Responsibility Award in Health / Türkiye, (2017)
  9. ECNS/ ISNIP/ ISBET Almanya Münih Klinik Nörobilim Kongresi / Germany Munich Clinical Neuroscience Congress, Başkanlık Hizmet Ödülü - Presidental Service Prize / Almanya, (2015)
  10. 7. ECNS Kongresi / 7th ECNS Congress, Kongre Elçisi - Congress Ambassador / Kanada, (2010)
  11. Prof. Mümtaz Turhan Sosyal Meslek Lisesi - Prof. Mumtaz Turhan Social Vocational High School /, Altın Lale - Golden Tulip / Türkiye, (2009)
  12. OHSAD ve Hasta Güvenliği Derneği / OHSAD and Patient Safety Association, Hasta Güvenliği İyi Uygulama - Patient Safety Good Practice / Türkiye, (2009)
  13. Amasya Vakfı / Amasya Foundation, Altın Elma - Golden Apple / Türkiye, (2008)
  14. SKY TURK'te yaptığı Psikoyorum programı için Başbakanlık Aile ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü / For his Psychointerpretation Program at SKY Turk, Aile eğitimine verdiği destek ve topluma yaptığı koruyucu ruh sağlığı hizmeti - For his Psychointerpretation Program at SKY Turk, the Prime Ministry's General Directorate of family and Social Research / Türkiye, (2005)
  15. Makul Çözüm programı / Reasonable Solution Program, RTÜK En İyi Toplum Programı - RTUK Best Community Program / Türkiye, (2003)
  16. The Congress of Destructive Drives and Impuls Control, En İyi Araştırmacı / Best Researcher - Hollanda, (1991)

12. Coourses recently given

Academic Year Semester Course name Hours Number of Students
Theoretical Application
2023-2024 Spring Clinical Psychology II (Undergraduate) - Group 2 0 6 214
Klinik Psikoloji II (Undergraduate) - Group 4 0 6 306
Fall Pozitif Psikoloji ve İletişim Becerileri (Undergraduate) - Group 2 3 0 234
Positive Psychology and Communication Skills (Undergraduate) - Group 2 3 0 118

Created: 18.10.2024