1. Name Surname

: Hamoon Khelghat Doost

2. Date of Birth


3. Title

: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi

Contact Information

: hamoon.khelghatdoost@uskudar.edu.tr

4. Educational Background

Degree Department University Year
BSc English Language and Literature Studies Science University of Malaysia 2007
MSc Communication Studies Science University of Malaysia 2011
PhD Political Science National University of Singapore (NUS) 2018

5. Academic Titles

Degree Department University Year
Assistant Professor Political Science Science University of Malaysia 2018

6. Supervised Theses

7. Publications

7.1. Papers published in internationally refereed journals (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Krishnan M., Doost H. K., Query Into The Origins Of The Covid-19 Pandemic: The Chinese Government’s Response, Res Militaris, (2024), 13(2), , .
  2. Krishnan M., Doost H. K., Ahmad J., Saad S., Sibli S., Sustaining Livelihood for Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia Employing an Integrated Approach: A Concept Paper, Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, Faculty of Law, (2023), 16(3), 471-486, .
  3. Doost H. K., THE FOREIGN PÓLICY OF POST-REVOLUTIONARY IRAN: EXPEDIENCY AT THE CROSSROAD OF SUPRA-NATIONALISM AND SOVEREIGNTY, Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations, (2022), 11(22), 113-132, .
  4. Ramadhan A. P., Sibly S., Doost H. K., The Reasons for the Absence of Aging Policies in Indonesian Universities: A Case Study of Two Fully Autonomous Public Universities, Journal of Population and Social Studies, (2022), (30), 528-541, .
  5. Abdullahi A. M., Doost H. K., Hassan M. S., The Impact of Small Entrepreneurship Development on Poverty Alleviation: Empirical Study from Mogadishu, Somalia, Journal of Somali Studies: Research on Somalia and the Greater Horn of African Countries, (2021), 8(2), 33-51, .
  6. Doost H. K., State Building Jihadism: Redefining Gender Hierarchies and “Empowerment”, The Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS), (2020), 14(4), 5–27, .
  7. Khelghat-Doost H., LOCATING WOMEN IN JIHAD: THE CASE OF WOMEN IN THE ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ AND SYRIA (ISIS), AUSTRAL: Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations, (2020), 9(18), 150-171, .

7.2. Papers published in other internationally peer-reviewed journals

  1. Azhar S. N. F. S., Akib N. A. M., Khelghat-Doost H., Sibly S., Students as Catalysts in Achieving Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Initiatives and Program Highlights, Sustainability: The Journal of Record, (2020), 13(6), 271-281, .

7.3. Assertions presented in international scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

  1. Doost H. K., The Role of Intelligence in Counter Terrorism, International Strategic Communication Summit (STRATCOM 2022), (02.12.2022), Istanbul-Turkey
  2. Doost H. K., The National Security Framework of Iran: Swinging between Ideology and Pragmatism, The 8th Istanbul Security Conference, (03.11.2022), Istanbul-Turkey
  3. Krishnan M., Doost H. K., SUSTAINING LIVELIHOOD FOR ROHINGYA REFUGEES IN MALAYSIA EMPLOYING AN INTEGRATED APPROACH: A CONCEPT PAPER, 3rd International Conference Social Science, Management and Technology in Covid Era, (28.08.2022), Podgorica-Montenegro
  4. Doost H. K., Arıboğan D. Ü., The Psychopolitics of Motherhood in PostConflict Public Policies: A Comparative Study of the PKK in Turkey and ISIS in Iraq and Syria, International Conference Governance of public policies during and after conflicts in the Middle East, (06.04.2021), Doha-Katar
  5. Arıboğan D. Ü., The Psychopolitics of Motherhood in Post- Conflict Public Policies: A Comparative Study of the PKK in Turkey and ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Governance of public policies during and after conflicts in the Middle East, (06.04.2021), Doha, State of Qatar
  6. Arıboğan D. H. K. D. D. Ü., The Psychopolitics of Motherhood in PostConflict Public Policies: A Comparative Study of the PKK in Turkey and ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Governance of public policies during and after conflicts in the Middle East Conference, (04.04.2021), Katar

7.4. International books or chapters

  1. Arıboğan D. Ü., Doost H. K., Constructing Motherhood Identity Against Political Violence : Beyond Crying Mothers, (2023), ISBN: 978-3-031-36537-9.
  2. Doost H. K., Arıboğan D. Ü., "Psychopolitics of Motherhood and Political Violence : The Case of Waiting Mothers in Turkey, (2023), ISBN: 978-3-031-36537-9.
  3. doost h. k., arıboğan d. ü., The Psychopolitics of Motherhood in Post-conflict Public Policies: The Cases of the PKK and ISIS, (2023), ISBN: 978-3-031-23382-1.
  4. Köroğlu N. Ö., Doost H. K., Metamorphosis of Turkish Foreign Policy in the 21st Century:Opportunities and Challenges, (2023), ISBN: 978-1-66692-732-0.
  5. Doost H. K., Turkey-Iran Security Relations: Common Enemies and Opposing Ambitions, (2023), ISBN: 978-1-66692-732-0.
  6. Doost H. K., Chapter title: Iran; Book titile: Handbook of Terrorism in the Middle East, (2022), ISBN: 978-981-125-687-5 (hardcover).
  7. Doost H. K., Chapter title: Iraq; Book title: Handbook of Terrorism in the Middle East, (2022), ISBN: 978-981-125-687-5 (hardcover).
  8. Doost H. K., Chapter title: Syria; Book title: Handbook of Terrorism in the Middle East, (2022), ISBN: 978-981-125-687-5 (hardcover).
  9. Al-Marshoudi A. S., Sibly S. B., Khelghat-Doost H., Successfully Mutual Cooperative Collective Action: Principle of Institutional Arrangement of the Aflaj Irrigation System in Sultanate of Oman, (2021), ISBN: 978-3-030-67027-6.
  10. Doost H. K., The Strategic Logic of Women in Jihadi Organizations, (2021), ISBN: 978-3-030-59388-9.

7.5. Papers published in national peer-reviewed journals

7.6. Assertions presented in national scientific congresses and published in the proceedings

  1. Arıboğan D. Ü., Doost H. K., Constructing Motherhood Identity Against Political Violence, Annual Conference 2023: The Changing Character of War and Peace Making, (20.05.2024), Oxford-Birleşik Krallık

7.7. Other publications

Books published by national publishers

Book chapters published by national publishers

8. Projects

  1. Özgen A. B., Doost H. K., TÜBİTAK, Integrated Smart Virtual Incubator for the Inclusion of Forced Migrants into European Labor Market, (Researcher), (Expire date :21.08.2023),
  2. Özgen A. B., Doost H. K., ÖZDOĞRU A., ŞENAY İ., EKMEKÇİ A., ÇAKMAK B., CİVAN C., TÜBİTAK, Developing an Integrated Smart Talent Management System and a Digital Incubator for the Inclusion of Forced Migrants into Labor Market, (Researcher), (Expire date :14.03.2023),
  3. Özgen A. B., Doost H. K., ŞENAY İ., ÖZDOĞRU A., TÜBİTAK, TÜBİTAK’ın 2023 Kooordinatörlüğü Destekleme, (Researcher), (Expire date :14.03.2023),
  4. Doost H. K., Malaysia U. S., University U., Diğer uluslararası özel veya resmi kurum veya kuruluşlar tarafından desteklenen Ar-Ge projeleri, Leaving No One Behind: Creating Sustainable Livelihood for Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia through an integrated approach, Araştırmacı, (Tamamlanma Tarihi :31.12.2023),

9. Administrative Duties

  1. Koordinatör / Coordinator - Erasmus Bölüm Koordinatörlüğü (2021-Continues)

10. Scientific Memberships

11. Awards

12. Coourses recently given

Academic Year Semester Course name Hours Number of Students
Theoretical Application
2023-2024 Spring The Politics of Terrorism (Undergraduate) - Group 2 3 0 82
State Crimes and Atrocities (Undergraduate) - Group 2 3 0 90
Fall Politics and Societies in the Middle East (Undergraduate) - Group 2 3 0 82

Created: 06.09.2024